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[Video] - An Israeli responds to a Muslim's anti-Israel criticism


Alfrescian (Inf)
Jews are more powerful than Arabs or Muslims. Those there are hundreds of millions of Muslims and less than 20 million Jews, the world listens to the latter. Muslims need to seek advice from Allah on this.

syed putra

Jews are more powerful than Arabs or Muslims. Those there are hundreds of millions of Muslims and less than 20 million Jews, the world listens to the latter. Muslims need to seek advice from Allah on this.
The Arab countries were formed less than a century ago. The borders were created by the British and French after ottomans lost WWI. The Turks sided with germans and Austrians. Hence reason why many turks in Germany as both were allies at one time.
The British created several mini states and monarchies and back stab the Arab leader who lead the revolt against Turkish rule who wanted one United Arab country. The West does not want a powerful Arab state in the middle East. But fragmented weak ones. Current Arab states are all less than 100 years old.