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[Video] - Americans react furiously to clip of Zelensky seemingly saying US citizens must be willing to sacrifice themselves fighting for Ukraine


Sending other nations' troops into UKR to fight for UKR would be a mistake. It is one thing to send funds, equipment & such like, as what had been given can be recoup the next few days. However, lives lost can never return. It is unfortunate that UKR had to bear the brunt of a despotic RUS rulers greed, but Humanity & Americans had been forefront to help UKR. ULTIMATELY, such help can only be offered if UKR citizens themselves are willing to help themselves, & had proven after 1 yr of brutal RUS invasion, courageously.

It is only comprehensible of UKR fears, that if RUS invasion succeed & a way of freedom life will be destroyed, so too Democratic institutions of check & balances, & more would be gone, but if even UKR citizens are not prepared to fight standing up to such principles for their own nation & way of life, rather roll over & live on knees to invaders, how can other nations help, as proven in the 60s Vietnam wars when clueless Americans were sent to give up their lives when even the corrupted S. Vietnam leaders & Generals refused to listen & co-operate except to only safeguard their own interests?

No. UKR will have to find better ways to MOTIVATE its PEOPLE to stand up. There is NO way that RUS leaders will be able to conquer UKR if TOTAL DEFENCE is applied by UKR. Equally, the rest of Humanity had not been ignoring the plight of fellow Humans in UKR, proven by funds & equipment by the Billion$. UKR has to prove it is willing to stand up & fight, as the brave Kurds in Iraq had done against the abominable ISIS & inspired Humanity to fight back, & the courageous Israelis had done against the might of religious radicalism & power lust in the Middle East that sought to drive them to the sea.

Ultimately, if monstrous RUS leaders succeeds in conquering UKR, a non NATO state, the consequences WILL be devastating for the RUS leaders, as Humanity Worldwide will wake up & think about their own survival, if not their own electorate. RUS is not benevolent nation, but a tyranny, without ANY democratic institutions, especially FAIR justice for all. Would any Human want to live under such rule, on bended knees as RUS will be emboldened to tyrannize Humanity after its victory?

That's where & when NATO will step in & decisively, to destroy RUS leaders before they can destroy HUMANITY. It will not be just American troops sacrificing their lives for their love ones at home, but troops ALL WORLDWIDE.