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[Video] - American Saiidi leaves laptop at Sg Starbucks for 1 hour, to test Sg's low crime rates

Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
This is "American"?? LOL



plenty of theft happened all the time, low crime is not no crime. i know plenty of ppl who got handphone laptop tablet computers stolen.


besides where can a thief run away after a big heist?

so when jiuhukia says smaller country (like really really small dot sized peesai) is easier to manage, there is some truth to it.

really where can a thief hide after a a big heist or a robber abscond to?

what can you do anyway in stinkypura? it's lifeless and boring and even turd worlders dun want to settle down in stinkypura for a very very good reason.

even turd rate turd worlders dun find stinkypura attractive, only fourt rate or beyond turd world sh*thole immigrants would want to move to stinkypura and stay. is it false? it's 100% accurate.

why don't we see millions of ASEAN turd world immigrants lining up to move to stinkypura if quality of life is higher? isn't it obvious? stats can show many things but stinky quality of life is sh*tty, it's got no talent, no legend, no brains, no brand, no scholars, no history, no culture, nothing. zilch.
it's not even got unique culture like japs at least japs got unique culture.