Most Muslims around the world are not Melayun or Mongoloids. Melayu - which in the context of Malaysia, stinkypura or Brunei, would mean all the natives of Indonesian archipelagos, not just Malay speakers but also Javanese, Sundanese, Minang, Betawi etc - are mostly unable to grow beards. Unless they had some Arab or European genes.
In contrast, for most Muslims around the world, the Hadith regarding beard applies. All Caucasoid and Negroid races are more or less capable of growing beards. Only Mongoloids incl Melayu can not. They are a race apart. A different subspecies, you might call them.
As a result, when you see Melayu/Indon Muslims, you begin to think the correct Islamic code of conduct is to wear headgear for females but to shave your face clean for men.
Melayu can
not grow beards (unless they have some Arab, Indian or European genes).
Apparently, when Hadiths were compiled, they forgot to include the Mongoloid/slanty subspecies into account.
The rulng on beards don't apply to them because they can't grow them.
Likewise, a Hadith attributed to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) says:
Arab is superior to a non-
Arab, nor is any non-
Arab superior to any
Arab. No
white is superior to any
black, nor is any
black superior to any
white except on account of their righteousness
Note there is no mention of Mongoloids/slanties/Melayu/chinks/japs/gooks/viets etc.
Tough luck slanties, you are a different race.
ANY Muslim anywhere on Earth who insisted on the absolute truth of Hadith over Quran and who insisted that Hadiths must be absolutely trusted can not make an about turn now and pretend he is not racist either.
Since Islam is sent to all of Humanity, and unless we consider Mongoloids an inferior breed and subhumans, how can we explain this Hadith which is attributed to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)?
None of the Caucasoid and Negroid races are able to answer this simple question. Embarrassing as it may be.
Btw, all of them from Caucasus mountains, arabia, persia, kurds, berbers, Anatolians, Pakis, Bangla, CECA virus, Nordics, Mediterranean, Baltics can be considered (largely) caucasoid, and those south of the sahara in africa can be considered negroids.
We can say Islam is well and truly a NON-Mongoloid religion.
You can not have your cake and eat it too.
If you INSIST on the authenticity of Hadith, then no mention of Mongoloids means Mongoloids are subhumans and not Muslims.
If you INSIST on nonracist characteristic of Islam, then you can not hold on to Hadiths that were compiled centuries afterwards and that are admitted to be fake (even if one of them is fake, it invalidates the rest).
You can not have your cake and eat it too.
The fact is all too well known. Melayu or Mongoloids are not Muslims. Not according to Hadith.
Does this Hadith mention Mongoloids?
Arab is superior to a non-
Arab, nor is any non-
Arab superior to any
Arab. No
white is superior to any
black, nor is any
black superior to any
white except on account of their righteousness