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[Video] - A deer eating a bird

Singapore Dancing Spirit



The future is bleak. Leaders are baffled. As a spiritual leader, i have a valid reason to lift up its head in optimism that the best is yet to be! At the Mount of Olives, the disciples of Jesus asked Him, "What will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?" (Mt 24:3). He listed a number of end time signs and then concluded, "The Good News about the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, so that all nations will hear it; and then, finally, the end will come" (v14).

However, Satan is gone mad. He is rebellious despite he was defeated in the spiritual realm/ I am going to send him to the prison located underground. After that he will NOT have any access to the living. He has lost his credibility for helping losers in political powers. He lost his strength and stamina to make the losers to be rich and wealthy. The Devil is more furious than ever to me because he knows that 0time is running out. He stirred up the powers of hell *from various governments like (India, UK, USA, SG, MY, ID) to work against me. He instigated rulers to inflict evil on me/ Mr. Shanmugam of Singapore cause so much destructions to me and my family. Such vengeance has always been there, but it was intensified for the past 16 years.

As I have spoken before. I am going to dismiss the Lion and Dragon in chains to be incarcerated into Hell. Once they are gone, i will declare covid-19 ENDEMIC globally. There will not be any sickness and people can live forever unless you do not commit any crimes that carries a death penalty. I am expecting to see am earlier Millennium before appointed time as I would help to establish the Kingdom of Jesus (ONE Theocratic Government) on earth.
You may expect the following 50 blessings globally.

The following blessings are taken from the Bible and predicted only after Armageddon. However, Satan aka Lion is so mad to go down to the Hell before appointed time, it is good news for us.

1. Nen will not see a death; can live even longer for thousands of years before the King Christ returns.
When Chrsit returns, He would rule the earth 1000 years,
Definition: Latin, mille, a thousand, and annus, year. The phrase " thousand years" is used 6 times in Rev. 20: 1- 7.
It is the last dispensation for man before the final removal of the curse (Rev. 22: 3). In Scripture it is called:

The thousand years reign of Christ ( Rev. 20: 2, 4, 5, 6, 7)
The dispensation of the fullness of times ( Eph. 1: 10)
The day of the Lord ( see The Day of the Lord Chart 2).
Called that day many times in the prophets ( Isa. 2: 11; 4: 1; 19: 21; 24: 21; 26: 1; Ezek. 39: 22; 48: 35; etc.)
The world ( age) to come ( Mt. 12: 32; Mk. 10: 30; Eph. 1: 21; 2: 7; 3: 21)
The kingdom of Christ and of God ( Eph. 5: 5; 2Tim. 4: 1; Rev. 11: 15)
The kingdom of God ( Mk. 14: 25; Lk. 19: 11; 22: 14- 18)
The kingdom of heaven ( Mt. 3: 2; 4: 17; 7: 21; 8: 11; 10: 7; 18: 1- 4)
The regeneration ( Mt. 19: 28) The times of the restitution ( restoration) of all things ( Acts 3: 20- 21)
The consolation of Israel ( Lk. 2: 25)
The redemption of Jerusalem ( Lk. 2: 38)
The kingdom of His dear Son ( Col. 1: 13; 2Pet. 1: 11)

3. Satan amd Dragon will be bound ( Rev. 20: 1- 10) and their mouth under the bottomless oit.

4. It can happen any moment now.

5. Democracy will be replaced by Meritocracy governments all over the world

6. This would eventually pave away for the Christ, the King's theocratic government (Isa. 2:2- 4 52:7; Ezek. 43:7; Dan. 2:44- 45 7:13- 14 Zech. 14:1- 21 Mt. 25:31- 46 Lk. 1:32- 33 Rev. 11:15; 20:1- 10). All FALSE RELIGIONS WILL BE COMING TO AN END. No more idolatry is possible. Of your religions asked you to worship as God, such religion will be sun set all over the world.

7. Christ will rule under God (Isa. 9:6- 7 Dan. 7:13- 14 Lk. 1:32- 33). There will be no more influence of Satan or dragon to have their counterfeit, or pseudo reign possible after this.

8. Only Christians who are heaven bound will take the respective roles in their respective governments.

9. Disciples of Jesus will get more responsibilities to lead in Churches and governments.

10. All men will be God fearing as Lion is removed.

11. The world capital will be Singapore until Christ returns. After that the world Capital will be Jerusalem (Isa. 2:2- 4 Ezek. 48; Zech. 14).

12. The world government (worldwide)will govern all the respective governments with SG as HQ and it will be going to Jerusalem after Christ returns (Rev. 11:15; Dan. 2:44- 45 7:13- 27 Zech. 14).

13. Certain classes will not live when Satan and dragon are removed (1Cor. 6:9; Gal. 5:19- 21). Democratic party of USA, PAP. CCP. BJP. UK etc will not live longer.

14. Certain classes will be excluded from entrance into the kingdom (Mt. 5:20; 13:39- 50 24:45- 51 25:31- 46 Rev. 14:9- 11). All pastors (bastards). Pope, bishops, cardinals, preachers all expect to die as they collect public offerings for living.

15. The final judgment of the living nations at the second coming will determine who is worthy of entrance into the kingdom (Mt. 25:31- 46). King Saud, Sultans and monarchs all over the world coming to an end as they can't survive.

16. All nations will be required to send representatives to SG HQ to plan and work as united nations. This will be shifted to Jerusalem once a year to acknowledge Christ after He returns (Zech. 14:16- 21 Isa. 2:1- 4 35:8- 9).

17. One third of the wicked men will be dead when Lion is removed. The wicked dead will not be resurrected to live again in the Millennium or be given a second chance (Rev. 20:4- 6, 11- 15 Heb. 9:27).

18. The earth will not be desolate after removal of devil or during the Millennium (Isa. 2:2- 4 Zech. 14:16- 21 1Cor. 15:24- 28 Rev. 20:1- 10).

19. There will be civil and religious laws for all nations (Isa. 2:2- 4 9:6- 7 11:3- 5 65:20; Zech. 14:16- 21 1Cor. 15:24- 28). Section 377A will be legislated again. That will carry death penalty. Every law in the Bible will be legislated and Bible will be a law book. All other law degrees from NUS and around the world will be invalidated.

20. The remaining Jews from all over the world will be returned to Israel Jewish. The non-Jewish people in Israel will be re-located in the part of the earth God gave to each nation and race (Dt. 32:8; Acts 17:26).

21. Israel will be given all the original promised land (Gen. 15:14- 18 17:6- 19 Isa. 60:20; Ezek. 47:13-- Ezek. 48:35). All fake Jews like Rothschild and royal family not expected to survive.

22. The world- capital for the world government building will be operating from SG and the operations will be moved to the future Jewish temple at Jerusalem (Ezek. 43:7; Zech. 6:12- 13).

23. Jerusalem will be renovated and becomes more fertile land on earth only after Christ returns as it is written. a river will flow out from under the temple southward and part into two branches-- one going into the Mediterranean and one into the Dead Sea, the waters of which will be healed and have many fish (Ezek. 47; Zech. 14:8).

24. Some men will take immortal bodies after Christ comes and they would rule the people on earth, and such folks would remain as earthly priests and Levites serving in the future temple (Isa. 66:19- 24 Ezek. 43:19- 27 44:9- 31).

25. All men will be educated the biblical doctrines as to former sacrifices, feasts, and rituals of the temple worship to be continued as an eternal memorial of what they were types of before Christ fulfilled them during Millennium (Ezek. 43:19- 27 44:5, 30; 45:17- 25 46:1- 24 Zech. 14:16- 21 Isa. 66:19- 24

26. The Holy Spirit will be poured out upon all flesh (Isa. 32:5; Ezek. 36:25- 27 Joel 2:28- 32). Meaning men will be stronger. Men will not be weaker any more

27. Universal knowledge of the Lord will be manifest (Isa. 11:9; Zech. 8:22- 23). That means meritocracy will be a new way forward.

28. Christians will again be the missionaries to evangelize the nations (Isa. 2:2- 4 40:9; 52:7; 61:6; 66:18- 21 Zech. 8:23).

29. There will be one universal religion (Mal. 1:11; Zech. 14:16- 21 Isa. 2:2- 4 Joel 2:28- 31 Jer. 31:31- 36). That is Christianity as false Christianity will be reprimanded.

30. The glory of God will be continually manifest (Isa. 4:4- 6 Ezek. 43:1- 5).

31. Salvation in its fullness will be for all (Joel 2:28- 32 Acts 2:16- 21 Isa. 2:2- 4 11:9; 52:7; Heb. 8- 10).

32. Divine healing for the body will be experienced by all (Isa. 32:1- 5 33:24; 35:3- 6 53:5; Mt. 8:17; 1Pet. 2:24). Meaning no more sickness expected once Satan is gone.

33. There will be universal peace (Isa. 2:4; 9:6- 7 Mic. 4:3- 4 Mal. 1:11). No nation is expected to spend huge money on military as all the wars coming to an end.

34. Universal prosperity will be a reality (Isa. 2:2- 4 65:20- 25 Mic. 4:4- 5). No more climate change, hole in ozone layer craps as weather will be functioning as normal as before.

35. The world economy will be collapsed, and a new financial system will be functioning from Singapore as HQ and then will be migrated to Israel once Christ returns (Gen. 14:20; 28:22 with Heb. 6:20; 7:1- 10 Mt. 23:23; Rom. 2:22; 1Cor. 9:7- 18 16:1- 3 Mal. 3:10- 12). There won't be any other money markets. permitted as all will be centralized from Singapore. No PAP leaders or their descendants will continue to live after

36. Full justice will be meted out to all alike but from Singapore HQ (Isa. 9:6- 7 11:3- 5 65:20- 25 66:1- 2 Mt. 5:1-- Mt. 7:29).

37. Human life will be prolonged indefinitely (Isa. 65:20- 25 Zech. 8:4).

38. Brightness of Light from the planets will be increased sevenfold only after Christ returns (Isa. 30:26; 60:18- 22).

39. Animals natures will be changed as before the fall (Isa. 11:6- 8 65:17- 25 Rom. 8:18- 23). All wild animals will eat grass, or vegetables as God would. tame the mouth of all wild animals which were hunting for blood before

40. Deserts will blossom again as a rose (Isa. 35:1- 10 55:12- 13 Ezek. 36:8- 12 Joel 2:18- 27 3:17- 21 Amos 9:13- 15).

41. Love and righteousness will prevail (Isa. 9:6- 7 11:5; 32:1- 5 65:17- 25). Only husbands and wives will engage in sex.

42. After Christ returns, the Jews will be the head of all nations under the Messiah (Dt. 28:1- 14).

43. The test for man will be to obey Christ, the resurrected saints, and the laws (Ps. 2; Rev. 2:26- 27 5:10; 11:15; 12:5; 20:1- 10).

44. Fruitful seasons will be enjoyed without interruption (Isa. 30:23- 25 33:20- 21 35:6- 7 41:17- 18 49:10; Ezek. 34:26; 47:1- 12 Zech. 14:8).

45. Material blessings will fill the earth (Isa. 29:17; 30:23- 24 32:15; 35:1- 7 41:19; 49:9- 10 51:3; 55:13; 60:5- 17 62:8- 9 Jer. 31:27- 28 Ezek. 34:27; 36:25- 35 Joel 3:18; Amos 9:13).

46. Waste places of the earth will be restored stored to usefulness (Isa. 32:16- 18 49:19; 52:9; 61:4- 5 Ezek. 36:8- 38 Amos 9:14- 15 Acts 15:13- 18).

47. Great highways will cover the earth (Isa. 11:16; 19:23- 25 35:7- 8).

48. Normal increase of mankind (Gen. 1:26- 28 9:12; Isa. 9:6- 7 59:20; 65:20- 25 Jer. 30:19; 33:22; Hos. 1:10).

49. The tenfold purpose of God in the millennial reign of Jesus Christ:
( i ) To put down rebellion on earth, so that God may be all and all again as before the rebellion by Lucifer and Adam ( 1Cor. 15: 24- 28 Heb. 2: 7- 9 Eph. 1: 10)
( ii ) To fulfill the everlasting covenants made with Abraham ( Gen. 12, 13, 15, 17), Isaac ( Gen. 26), Jacob ( Gen. 28), David (2Sam. 7), and others ( Mt. 26: 28; 2Cor. 3: 6- 15 Heb. 7, 8, 9, 10)
( iii )To vindicate and avenge Christ and the saints ( Mt. 26: 63- 66 Rom. 12: 19; Ps. 2; Isa. 63; Rev. 1: 7; 6: 9- 11 19: 1- 10 1Pet. 1: 10- 12 2Tim. 4: 7- 8 Rom. 8: 17- 21)
( iv )To restore Israel and deliver them from the nations and make them the head of all nations forever ( Acts 15: 13- 18 Mt. 24: 31; Isa. 11: 10- 12 Ezek. 20: 33- 44 Dt. 28)
( v ) To exalt the saints of all ages to a kingly and priestly position according to their works ( Rom. 8: 17- 21 14: 10; 2Cor. 5: 10- 11 Php. 3: 20- 21 Col. 3: 4; 1Pet. 1: 10- 13 5: 1- 4 Rev. 1: 5; 2: 26- 27 5: 10; 11: 15- 18 12: 5; 20: 4- 6)
( vi )To gather together in one all things in heaven and earth ( Eph. 1: 10)
( vii) To judge the nations in righteousness and restore the earth to its rightful owners ( Isa. 2: 2- 4 11: 1- 11 Mt. 25: 31- 46 Dan 7: 9- 27)
( viii ) To restore a righteous and an eternal government on earth as originally planned ( Isa. 9: 6- 7 11: 1- 9 42: 1- 5 Dan. 2: 44- 45 7: 13- 27 Lk. 1: 32- 33 Rev. 11: 15; 20: 4- 6 22: 4- 5
( ix ) To fulfill hundreds of prophecies concerning the eternal reign of the Messiah (Dan. 9:24; 1Pet. 1:10- 13 Acts 3:20- 21)
( x ) To restore all things as before sin entered the world (Acts 3:20- 21 Isa. 66:22- 24 2Pet. 3:10- 13 Rev. 21- 22)

50. The Millennium will end in one more short period of rebellion. Then the final destruction of all rebels will take place, leaving the saints, natural and resurrected, in charge of the eternal perfect earth (Rev. 20:7- 10 Rev. 21:1-- Rev. 22:5; 2Pet. 3:10- 13 Isa. 66:22- 24).

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