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Very hard to find successor fpr Good hands De woh


Singapore political drama exposes frailty of Lee's succession plan
Ruling PAP 'has taken a hit' over minister's graft probe, speaker's resignation

Singapore's Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong. He says his People's Action Party has taken a hit over recent controversies. © Reuters
TSUBASA SURUGA, Nikkei staff writer
August 3, 2023 11:45 JST

SINGAPORE -- The ruling People's Action Party of Singapore is walking on thin ice in light of a series of political controversies involving high-profile politicians who were expected to have played a big role in the country's next chapter of leadership.

From a graft probe on a cabinet minister to the resignation of a senior official over an extramarital affair, the rare political drama highlights the challenges Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong faces in executing his carefully tailored succession plan.


Without this good hands, we will be just like candle in the wind.

We must be grateful de woh


Talented people don't join PAP. Only those inside the army or uniform group will clamour to join them.


Alfrescian (Inf)
With proper term limits like other civilized countries, this would be a non-matter. :wink:

Just a useless son riding on his daddy's coattails, :cool:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Talented people don't join PAP. Only those inside the army or uniform group will clamour to join them.

Don't forget the fraudulent 'labour union' NTUC. Pappies inducted from the SAF or NTUC almost always go on to rise the fastest in their PAP careers.

Here are two of them:



Let's look at over glorified TCJ, after he left PAP, even the little title "President of SNOC" has to be strip off.

Without the system behind them, what are they regionally or internationally ?? Which part of them tell you they are talented and extraordinary??


Let's look at over glorified TCJ, after he left PAP, even the little title "President of SNOC" has to be strip off.

Without the system behind them, what are they regionally or internationally ?? Which part of them tell you they are talented and extraordinary??
He can put General (NS) in name card mah... So mist be jin jiak talented De woh according to 61%


He can put General (NS) in name card mah... So mist be jin jiak talented De woh according to 61%
It sounds like putting a (Dr) on the name card itself.
I would say that a general is a recognition for his hard work