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Vernon Yang Zhi Xian, 29, charged after he allegedly told cops he would stab 2 people over his repossessed car



Man charged after he allegedly told cops he would stab 2 people over his repossessed car​



Shaffiq Alkhatib
Court Correspondent

OCT 23, 2024, 03:16 PM

SINGAPORE – A man made a police report claiming that his valuables were still in his car after it was repossessed by a finance company, and allegedly threatened to stab two people if the authorities failed to take action.

In his phone call at around 10.30am on Oct 22, Vernon Yang Zhi Xian, 29, allegedly said he would stab a car dealership salesperson and the boss of the company that had towed away his car.

Yang is accused of making another similar threat some 20 minutes later when he made a second call to the police.

Officers arrested him around three hours later, but no weapons were found on him.

Yang appeared in court on Oct 23 and was charged with two counts of communicating false information on a harmful situation.

He was also ordered to be remanded at the Institute of Mental Health for a medical examination. His case has been adjourned to Nov 6.

According to court documents, Yang’s car was towed away on Sept 22.


wait and see. if property market crash into a meltdown....you will see a lot of repo cars, repo condos, repo BTOs, stabbing cases, joblessness, murder cases, the 5Ds...