Dear Brothers and Sisters,
I am Ashtar, from Ashtar Command, and I am back to continue to support your Ascension by revealing more truth about things humankind needs to know, if you really want to move forward in the transition to 5D.
We are aware that most of you are not happy with information, we have been providing in the past year. We do understand this, and there is no other way to skip the unpleasant truth, before human beings are ready to advance towards higher dimensions. We said more than once, no short cuts in this process, just try to be positive and hopeful, better days are coming. First, all of the dirt and darkness needs to be flushed out to the surface, in order to be replaced with Light & Love and all of the negative emotions require to be processed and let go off. Humanity can’t progress, unless it hears all of hidden information, even if it’s difficult to hear.
I am here to guide everyone through this challenging journey to new heights in a New World. Please, read this message, as another piece of information humans need to know. Now, I am going to reveal some truth about your animal, bird and sea life on your planet. Originally, there were no predators on Earth, that would eat other life. Like lions, tigers, wolves, eagles, hawks, crocodiles and even sharks did not eat meat in your world, they ate plants on the surface and at the bottom of the oceans. The Dark Ones changed the DNA of certain species to eat flesh.
As we mentioned before, the dinosaurs on Gaia were all plant eaters including the 50 feet tall T Rex, they still exist on the inside of your planet in Hollow Earth, all of them communicate telepathically. It should not be surprising, as you have in your reality big animals like elephants, hippos, rhinos, giraffes and etc, who only eat plants. When humans were first created on Mother Gaia a long time ago by Annunaki, they also were vegetarians and did not consume any meat. Human beings at that time were 5th dimensional, until they allowed Negative Ones to land & take over the planet by capturing humans and changing their DNA.
Today, most of the humanity has meat as part of their daily diet, without putting much thought about it, as this has been done for many generations. Not realizing that, they are basically eating dead corpses from beings. As most of the Animal Kingdom has souls except for the smaller ones, which function as a Collective Consciousness. Also, humans are eating the negative trauma stored in the body from animals, who were forced out from their vessel by people for the purpose of turning them into food. Like cows, chickens, pigs, goats, lambs and ect., including fish, crabs, shrimp, lobsters and ect., who were removed from their natural environment, which caused them to leave their bodies.
For the human 3D body it’s hard to process meat, humans eventually get sick and have serious health problems from it. There are many, who aware of our existence, believe that if they will receive replicators from us, they will be able to replicate meat. That is not true, no replicator device will create meat in a few seconds, it’s not allowed, as it’s against the Universal Laws. Only vegetarian food is replicated, human beings will say that eating fruits, vegetables and plants, it’s eating life too. This is not true, fruits, vegetables and plants do not have any souls, they were created with many forms & variations that you have not seen yet, in the Cosmos for beings to enjoy.
Galactic & Light Beings in higher dimensions mainly eat vegetarian food for the enjoyment and not for need or survival reasons. Our Light Bodies completely absorb the food and it doesn’t not need to be processed, like for humans, who need to after to go to the bathrooms. Only trees have souls, at this moment, there are no souls in the trees on Mother Earth, they left to the 5th dimensional version of Gaia. As we said before, this planet Ascended over 3 years ago, and it’s only keeping the 3D version in existence, waiting for humankind to catch up. This 3rd dimensional reality is not going to be around for a long time. We, the Galactics & Ascended Masters are going to wait only for a certain time, until Ascension happens following Divine’s Plan.
After completing our mission & all of our responsibilities on the New 5D Earth, then we are going to leave & take with us all of the Galactic Souls, who are going to Ascend, as their families have been waiting for a long time for the reunion. We also have other civilizations waiting for our assistance. This process has been dragged on too long, unfortunately, the human population has not been a willing or a cooperative participant in this transition. They continue their history of waiting for some else to do the spiritual work for them or for a messiah to come and save them. This is not, on how an evolution process works of any civilization in the Universe, to advance to a higher dimension.
Many humans are still under the impression, that they can eat meat and will still ascend to the 5th dimension, sorry, that’s not going to happen. No being in the whole history of the Cosmos went to a higher realm & never will, while still entertaining meat as part of their diet. Eating flesh is against the Universal Laws, you need to be in high vibrations to go to 5D or higher dimension, meat will always keep you in a low frequency. You need to match the high frequencies of the dimension or otherwise your body will burn from the Light and be crushed by the dimensional pressure. Most of Dark Galactic Civilizations are vegetarians, with some exceptions, who only do it as a fear tactic like the Reptilians, they will eat some of their enemies, as an intimidation for other Races.
Doing silent meditations correctly over time naturally will cause for you to loose the desire for meat or your body will start rejecting it, by getting sick more often than usual, to the point that you will quit yourself. As a result from the changes happening on the inside of you, from being constantly exposed to the Light. Also, the Dark Controllers not just manipulated the human & Animal Kingdom’s DNA, but they also created some new negative species. Mosquitos, flies, flesh eating worms, scorpions, spiders, poisonous snakes, ticks, termites, piranhas and ect. Nothing in nature is supposed to be destructive, dangerous, attacking others and being a negative presence.
They have done other experiments on animal life too, a few of their creations appeared like the anglerfish. It has a dark color with sharp looking teeth, this fish was seen in the Tenerife of Spain’s Canary Islands. In another encounter, a Russian human caught unusually looking gray colored smooth lumpfish with the appearance of a human head. The best way to raise your vibration is to expose yourself to the truth, daily silent meditations, avoiding doing negative behavior and not entertaining negative emotions, especially anger, which lowers your frequency very quickly, it’s like a poison.
Every truth we reveal in our messages to you, only for your benefit and not for any negative reason. All of the corruptions, lies and false information will continue to appear daily in your reality. Just observe and watch, on what is coming next. My dear Brothers and Sisters, please, accept my Supreme Love. Thank you, Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces.
Your Fate is Only in Your Hands & No Else’s
Channeled by Erena Velazquez
Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces