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Vege rendang anyone?


Old Fart
retarded woketards starting yet another retarded woke business. Rendang needs to contain real meat. Not some fake shit made of tofu.


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Malaysia loves Bakuteh, it's a national dish for Matland:




Alfrescian (Inf)
Look at the propaganda machinery working its magic now. :rolleyes:

'Plant-based' means synthetic GMO'ed fake meat made in laboratories, pushed by BlackRock. The PAP regime has set up facilities in Tuas for companies to do their R&D here.

They're trying to normalize this crap, similar to the eating of insects. The demons of the globalist 'sustainability' cult must be put down. :FU:

Two new facilities for food R&D, perfumery open in Tuas​

SEP 20, 2024

FutureBites is dsm-firmenich’s first dedicated facility and regional hub for research and development into plant-based food.
dsm-firmenich said the FutureBites facility is part of its continued investment in Singapore to work on solutions for plant-based proteins, following the opening of its Culinary and SmartProteins Innovation Centre in Tuas in 2021.