OMG! you are one of those people that kept so many tabs opened!
When I work with one friend he is one of your gang, his habit is kept opening new tabs and NEVER want to close them. Eventually he is confused by the many tabs and have repetition of multiple outdated pages opened from the same site. Imagine expired sessions, & login to same site using different IDs - while your very old pages are still there in one of the many tabs. He confused me also, when he switch through his tabs and show me this and that, I can not relate his information, weather which tab is fresh which tab is outdated craps. :(
I prefer no extra dialogue, just give me one button to flush ALL caches & cookies, no extra questions!
Firefox 4 I think is now no longer on trial, the URL I posted is main page, it downloads Firefox 4.
I did not however get my firefox 4 from there. My installation came within new SuSE Linux 11.4 as the default.
But I am using multi-boot Linux, 11.4 is just one of my new installations, it use latest kernel 2.6.37.x, a bit trouble because suse this time ran ahead of others, so e.g. vmware modules need patches to compile, which is a hassle normally not required.
At this moment as I am typing, I am booted up in Kubuntu and firefox 3.6.15 is what I am using right now.