just be prepared. when the USD falls and collapses, most if not all the world's currencies will be useless.so prepare yourself. brace yourself for the worst scenario - far worst than the Great Depression. this is going to be the Worst Depression - the Mother of All Depression. so diversify and prepare yourself and your family to face the worst - yet to come. good luck.
you can't stop this financial meltdown.you can't lie.you can't hide. you can't run. just face it squarely and absorb it. suffering is inevitable. do not fear death.do not fear this coming catastrophe. it's all written on the walls for so long.so don't be afraid.
the old world changes to the new. good luck to all of you.
you can't stop this financial meltdown.you can't lie.you can't hide. you can't run. just face it squarely and absorb it. suffering is inevitable. do not fear death.do not fear this coming catastrophe. it's all written on the walls for so long.so don't be afraid.
the old world changes to the new. good luck to all of you.