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[USA] - In California, if you call an LGBT person by a wrong gender (ie. one different from his own choice), you're breaking the law & can kena jailed


Alfrescian (Inf)
Keep pandering to the LGBT mafia, and eventually this will become a reality in Sinkieland.

First you'll have some libtard snowflakes who are adamant that you use the 'proper' gender pronouns, then petitioning government forms to use more 'gender neutral' language, then teaching kindergarten kids about sexuality and transgenderism to combat 'transphobia' etc.

One thing leads to another, and eventually Sinkieland will turn into one giant Castro District of San Fransicko. Rainbow flags everywhere, even on the zebra crossing. :rolleyes:



Keep pandering to the LGBT mafia, and eventually this will become a reality in Sinkieland.

First you'll have some libtard snowflakes who are adamant that you use the 'proper' gender pronouns, then petitioning government forms to use more 'gender neutral' language, then teaching kindergarten kids about sexuality and transgenderism to combat 'transphobia' etc.

One thing leads to another, and eventually Sinkieland will turn into one giant Castro District of San Fransicko. Rainbow flags everywhere, even on the zebra crossing. :rolleyes:

If you do not want that, then you've got to start throwing them off the roof! Now!


Alfrescian (Inf)
Chinese New Year is a very dangerous period. Greet anyone "Happy New Year, uncle" or "Gong Xi Fatt Chai, auntie" and you end up celebrating chap goh mei in jail.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Safest to use: "Siao eh!"

Dangerous to use, can end up in jail:
yan dao
xuai ge
chio bu
mei nu
xiao mei mei
gu niang
bad mama