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[USA] - 2 young chiobus from China kena deliberately run over and killed by racist driver


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

LAKEWOOD, California—Two Chinese women who had just graduated college were run over and killed by a car while crossing a street in Lakewood, California, according to World Journal.

Details of the case are subject to further investigation and it is reported the parents of the two victims are flying to the United States from mainland China to handle funeral arrangements.

Christine Yan and Isabelle Zhang were both 24-years-old. According to Christine’s aunt, Annie, the incident occurred at Bloomfield Road and Lemming Street at around 8:40 p.m. on Friday, March 12. Christine and Isabelle were hit while crossing the road near their home.

According to World Journal, witnesses at the scene stated there were two adults and one child in the car. The driver was female. After hitting the two women, the female driver dragged one of the victims for about 330 feet before stopping. Isabelle died at the scene. Christine was sent to a nearby hospital but later succumbed to her injuries.

Annie believes the deaths of her niece and her friend may have been the result of a hate-crime. Lakewood traffic is not as congested as Downtown Los Angeles and the driver may have intentionally aimed for the two women. Annie is aware of all the anti-Asian hate-crimes going on and doesn’t rule out the possibility.


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LAKEWOOD, California—Two Chinese women who had just graduated college were run over and killed by a car while crossing a street in Lakewood, California, according to World Journal.

Details of the case are subject to further investigation and it is reported the parents of the two victims are flying to the United States from mainland China to handle funeral arrangements.

Christine Yan and Isabelle Zhang were both 24-years-old. According to Christine’s aunt, Annie, the incident occurred at Bloomfield Road and Lemming Street at around 8:40 p.m. on Friday, March 12. Christine and Isabelle were hit while crossing the road near their home.

According to World Journal, witnesses at the scene stated there were two adults and one child in the car. The driver was female. After hitting the two women, the female driver dragged one of the victims for about 330 feet before stopping. Isabelle died at the scene. Christine was sent to a nearby hospital but later succumbed to her injuries.

Annie believes the deaths of her niece and her friend may have been the result of a hate-crime. Lakewood traffic is not as congested as Downtown Los Angeles and the driver may have intentionally aimed for the two women. Annie is aware of all the anti-Asian hate-crimes going on and doesn’t rule out the possibility.

Another one? Dont jump to conclusions yet, not everything is a hate crime. Asian lives matter.


They came to invade genocide All Indians riding on horseback to near extinct. Millions of European Whites were killed by Indians in return to steal this big land. They shed blood in American soil and going to stay.

They came to Africa and India for slaves trades import to America land. They came to N Asia, Middle EA and SEA for drug opium trade profits to build America infrastructures. They can't stay behind becos the Chinese are rooted in NMSEA are warmongers.

Chinese 1: 0 whites.

nevertheless, some succeeded doing these becos N and E Asians are still villagers Ah beng and ah huay not heavily armed w latest gunboats to match angmoh gunboats Yet.

White 1: 0 Asians....

Anyway the NM SEA dislike BE white invaders too for hurting them in the past. Can't wait to kick their arseholes back to Europe...

Diaspora people will get hurt when trouble brews in any countries they live in.

Millennial kids problems to solved this troubled time. Old fart baby boomers 坐山观虎斗 step backs to watch young tiger millenial kids fight for their futures....

Get rid of all aged 70s and older menace jiakleowbee baby boomers politicians in WH and CH and mobilephone Millennial kids take over, a WNO....

BTW the rise of mighty fierce golden dragon China will be feared by the BE again. Can't help not fearing the golden dragon for next 500 years and the rise of NMSEA ... bad luck white men....

Either u are with them or bury yr white millennial kids in this rumble with Asian kungfu millennial kids.

Huat ahhh..
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Could high chance be China CCP clearing its "traitors" who lived in America...

Chinese got saying "one stone kill two birds"

By killing traitors and make it seems like americans did it to incite "national feeling" towards war against America...


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
Could high chance be China CCP clearing its "traitors" who lived in America...

Chinese got saying "one stone kill two birds"

By killing traitors and make it seems like americans did it to incite "national feeling" towards war against America...
And their parents live in China. Your level of intelligence is appaling


And their parents live in China. Your level of intelligence is appaling

China Troll, here we see you behaving like a typical PRC, shouting, make loud empty noises, like your Wuhan Virus. Lucky for us not only do we get to see you and your PRCs fail, we get to see the real king of the world - America - return to its rightful place in the world and rule as they should.

But the PRC is really, really mad. I mean so mad they are spitting all over the place just because America is back, locked and loaded against the puny failed state of PRC.

I mean we laugh at the PRC for so many things - their pathetic economy, their cheap plastic military, they cant fight against Indians, they suck ass at everything, no one likes them, they fail so bad, and even the one thing that they made that lasted more than 6 months - the Wuhan Virus is on the way out.

Now, now China Troll no need to get as mad as the other PRCs, all you have to do is face the music. It says America is Great. America is back. And America will smack the shit out of the puny PRCs once again.

God I love America.
