Good or bad, you got to give it to Trump for the change that he brought not just to US but to World as a whole. I bet no one thought a pussy grabbing chap with the mentality of a used car salesman and with a humongous ego not only got elected but managed to bring all these to the White House and the World stage.
His own party can't control him, the entire US government and Institutions of Country can't control him.
He asked his daughter to take his seat with other government leaders in a major world conference. He asked his son-in-law who has no background in diplomacy is solving a 70 year old stalemate.
And probably the biggest surprise to all I guess is how he has become personal bitch of Putin and Xi. I have never seen any 1st World leader let alone the President of the most powerful country slobber and fawn over the leaders of both Russia and China.
Due credit Xi who masterfully met Trump at Margo Lago and captured the high ground very early in Trump Presidency. And what did the US gain -3 shoplifting college kids who went out to China to play basketball was saved from jail.