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US did not offer brics jiu hu modular reactor.

syed putra


US in talks with Singapore and Asean neighbours to deploy small nuclear reactors​


Published Tue, Oct 22, 2024 · 07:53 PM
nuclear plant

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  • SMRs can be built at factories, delivered by truck or train, then assembled on-site, saving time and money. PHOTO: GETTY IMAGES VIA BLOOMBERG
  • SMRs can be built at factories, delivered by truck or train, then assembled on-site, saving time and money. PHOTO: GETTY IMAGES VIA BLOOMBERG
  • SMRs can be built at factories, delivered by truck or train, then assembled on-site, saving time and money. PHOTO: GETTY IMAGES VIA BLOOMBERG
  • SMRs can be built at factories, delivered by truck or train, then assembled on-site, saving time and money. PHOTO: GETTY IMAGES VIA BLOOMBERG
  • SMRs can be built at factories, delivered by truck or train, then assembled on-site, saving time and money. PHOTO: GETTY IMAGES VIA BLOOMBERG
THE US is in talks with several South-east Asian nations about deploying small modular nuclear reactors (SMRs), as global interest in the low-carbon energy source increases.
American officials have discussed the matter with their Philippine, Singaporean, and Thai counterparts, said Andrew Light, assistant secretary of energy for international affairs at the Department of Energy. The US can “provide a government-to-government discussion on what is the current array” of SMRs, he told reporters at the Singapore International Energy Week conference on Tuesday (Oct 22).
South-east Asia, home to more than half a billion people, is looking at nuclear power as a way to meet rapidly growing energy needs, while also reducing reliance on fossil fuels. The Philippines aims to have its first nuclear power plant by 2032, while Vietnam and Indonesia are also considering adopting the technology.