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US CDC Says Wearing Double Mask Reduce COVID by 95%. Sam Leong very Angry, Red Faced


to wear or not to wear, double mask is best.


CDC: Double-masking can significantly reduce spread of COVID-19

Feb. 10 (UPI) -- Double-masking, or wearing a cloth face covering over a medical procedure mask, increases a person's protection against exposure to COVID-19 virus particles by more than 90%, according to an analysis released Wednesday by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

In addition, when two people in close contact are both double-masking or wearing properly fitted medical procedure masks over their nose and mouth, protection against coronavirus transmission increases by more than 95%, the data showed.

The findings highlight the importance of good fit to maximize overall mask performance, the agency researchers said.

"Controlling [COVID-19] transmission is critical not only to reduce the widespread effects of the ... pandemic on human health and the economy, but also to slow viral evolution and the emergence of variants," CDC researchers wrote in the analysis.

"Until vaccine-induced population immunity is achieved, universal masking is a highly effective means to slow the spread of [the virus] ... [and] the data in this report underscore the finding that good fit can increase overall mask efficiency," they wrote.

Experts first proposed the use of double-masking approaches to reduce the amount of virus particles emitted from the nose and mouth of those infected when new strains of COVID-19 emerged and began to spread across the country.

Medical procedure masks, as well as N95 or N99 masks, are the most effective at limiting virus spread via respiratory droplets, according to recent studies.

RELATED Experts: Double-masking not a bad idea, though not supported by studies

The addition of a cloth mask not only helps prevent an infected person from spreading the virus, but can also help protect the wearer from exposure to virus-containing droplets, the CDC said.

For this analysis, CDC researchers in January performed multiple experiments to assess two methods designed to improve medical procedure mask performance: double masking, and knotting and tucking the medical procedure mask for closer fit.

In the first experiment, the researchers evaluated how effectively various mask combinations reduced the amount of particles emitted during a cough, by simulating a person coughing and producing airborne droplets from a mouthpiece.

RELATED Study: N95 masks without valves most effective against COVID-19

The tested the protection offered by a three-ply medical procedure mask alone, a three-ply cloth cotton mask alone and the three-ply cloth mask covering the three-ply medical procedure mask, or double-masking, they said.

In the second experiment, they evaluated how effectively knotted and tucked medical procedure masks reduced exposure to airborne particles emitted during a period of breathing.

A knotted and tucked mask brings together the corners and ear loops on each side, knotting the ears loops together where they attach to the mask and then tucking in the resulting extra mask material to minimize the side gaps, the researchers said.

A modified simulator was used to simulate a person's exposure to aerosols produced by another person coughing, they said.

All of the experiments were conducted in a 10-foot-square chamber with 7-foot ceilings, researchers said.

Results from the first experiment demonstrated that the unknotted medical procedure mask alone blocked 42% of the particles from a simulated cough and the cloth mask alone blocked 44%, the data showed.

However, the combination of the cloth mask covering the medical procedure mask blocked 93% of the cough particles, the researchers said.

Adding a cloth mask over a medical procedure mask reduced the cumulative exposure for an unmasked person in close contact by 82%, while knotting and tucking the medical procedure mask reduced the exposure for an unmasked person by 63%, the data showed.

When two people in close contact are both fitted with a double mask or a knotted and tucked medical procedure mask, cumulative virus particle exposure was reduced 96%, the researchers said.

"Multiple simple ways to improve fit have been demonstrated to be effective," the researchers wrote.

"Continued innovative efforts to improve the fit of cloth and medical procedure masks to enhance their performance merit attention," they said.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
There are loads of studies that have been done in controlled conditions but none of the studies reflects the results of real world mask use showing that masks make no difference whatsoever to the Covid infection rate.

The reason for this was explained by CDC way back in March 2020.



High Order Twit / Low SES subject
In many cases masks can make things a lot worse



High Order Twit / Low SES subject

1/25/2021 Masking the Science

We have purposely avoided directly confronting the issue of masks because it is such an emotional and political issue. Like waving a red flag in front of a bull, the topic elicits strong emotions which overwhelms reason. We wear a mask in the hospital and don a N95 mask, gown and gloves when we see a patient known to have COVID-19. Masks are used for source control when patients are admitted with various types of infectious respiratory diseases. After the visit, we dispense of the gown, gloves and change into our regular surgical mask to continue patient rounds. In public, we wear a cloth mask to comply with executive orders and as a courtesy to others who feel afraid and uncomfortable. Like most of you, we rarely wash the mask, we stick it in our pockets, pick it out of the glove compartment or off the floorboard when we need it.

In truth, we wish masks worked. If they did, it would be a cheap, and easy way to control the spread of Covid. The idea that they protect not only their wearer, but also those people around them seems noble. We wished masks worked because citizens are spending billions of dollars on them.

We wish masks worked because most Americans wear them now. Telling them it was unnecessary will not make them happy. We wish masks worked because they have become a symbol for virtue and social responsibility. Anyone who doubts their utility is personally attacked; as though they don’t believe the viral pandemic is real, or don’t care about those who die from it.

We wish masks worked, because they distract from other important Covid related issues such as: school closings, lack of access for non COVID related illness, increased mental illness, elderly dying alone, missed youth experiences, substance abuse, suicides, increased poverty and homelessness, suppression of free speech, censorship of science, disruption of supply chains, government agencies used to oppress small businesses, restriction of religious gatherings, travel disruptions, isolation protocols, modeling over actual data, quarantines, lockdowns, contact tracing, and global harm of the economy that most impacts the working class, vulnerable and poor.

We wish masks worked.
But they don’t.

At least, not the cloth and surgical masks you see in the public arena. They litter the landscape and waterways. They are difficult for people with disabilities and small children. It promotes natural germaphobe tendencies and indoctrinates the young to see their fellow humankind as a sack of germs.

There have been many randomized controlled trials (RCT) and meta-analysis of previous studies that suggest that masks do not work to prevent influenza- like illnesses, or respiratory illness transmitted by droplets and aerosol particles – like Covid. This knowledge was the basis for the WHO and CDC recommending against the public wearing masks in the spring of 2020. It was repeated by authorities and experts at every level.

Dr. Jerome Adams, the Surgeon General tweeted, “Seriously people – STOP BUYING MASKS! They are NOT effective in preventing the general public from catching Coronavirus”

Dr. Anthony Fauci told 60 minutes, “There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask”.

In April, the New England Journal of Medicine wrote: “we know that wearing a mask outside of health care facilities offers little, if any protection from infection”.

What changed? Well, it wasn’t the science.

All studies are not equal. The gold standard of medical evidence comes from randomly controlled studies. Recent observational studies that were used to support mask mandates were poorly designed for confounding factors, carried out in medical environments, and then, impressions were extrapolated to the general public. Studies that evaluated the viral exposure of mice in a cage covered with mask material vs. caged mice without a mask cover does not seem to translate well to a world of humans who use their hands. In contrast, a recent Danish mask study of the general public that was performed in a prospective, randomized fashion did not endorse the current majority narrative and was vigorously criticized and suppressed by some.

A new drug, medical product or procedure would never be approved based on this type of evidence.

Logic argues against mask effectiveness. The size differential between viral particle or droplet size expelled from the human respiratory tract compared to the filter size of surgical or cloth masks is substantial. If you read the fine print on most consumer masks, one will likely read a statement such as this; “not intended for medical purposes and has not been tested to reduce the transmission of disease”.

The best studies are outcome based and measure “patient oriented evidence that matters.” A pharmaceutical company may show their statin drug greatly reduces cholesterol and science can show a correlation between cholesterol and heart disease. So, the obvious premise is that lowering cholesterol reduces risk of heart attacks.

Except it doesn’t. At least not for primary prevention in patients without preexisting vascular disease. It is why you must do the study. Does the intervention work in real world conditions?

In August, Pew Research reported that 85% of Americans said they wore masks in public all or most of the time. If this is so, and if masks are effective, why has the incidence of SARS-Cov-2 increased so rapidly? Why is there not a favorable correlation between mask usage and disease transmission in countries and states with different mask policies?

If masks and lockdowns work, why don’t they work?

The graph below shows the daily number of deaths per million in the UK, France, Spain, Italy and Sweden from March to December. The number to the right reflects the percentage of the population that report wearing a mask in public spaces. Sweden has the lowest number of deaths per million in this comparison despite only 7.7% of the surveyed population reported wearing a mask. For those who argue that Norway, Denmark and Finland have lower mortality rates than Sweden. They would be correct, but these countries also have much lower rates of mask use compared to other European countries (less than 50%). Masks have been oversold as a solution.


Dr. Anders Tegnell, Sweden’s state epidemiologist said, “face masks are an easy solution, and I’m deeply distrustful of easy solutions to complex problems”. He was right. Sweden now (1/23/2021) has fewer deaths per million people (1086) than the United States (1284). In fact, they have a lower death rate than 30 of our states. History is replete with examples when politics or religion meddles with science and adversely impacts solutions. Dr. Martin Kulldorff has argued against widespread public mask mandates from the beginning. He is a professor at Harvard Medical School and a leader in disease surveillance methods and infectious disease outbreaks. He describes the current pandemic policy of COVID lockdowns and mask use this way; “after 300 years, the Age of Enlightenment has ended.”

At this point, many do not need an expert opinion to trust their own intuition and lying eyes that masks are not working. Everyone wants to mitigate the transmission of the virus, but let’s focus on what works.

But, wearing a mask is so easy to do. Can’t you just shut up and wear the damn mask?

Why are we poking this tiger, this mask issue now?

Because there is mass hysteria, and many are blind to it.

Because it’s an irrational and divisive policy when unity is required more than ever.

Because evidence should matter.

Because in 2019, if we saw a father struggling to muzzle a terrified, crying 2-year old child on a plane with a cloth, we would report them to authorities for possible child abuse. In 2021, we kick the whole family off the plane unless the father is successful in his efforts.

Because of a young man with autism who is unable to tolerate a mask on his face is publicly shamed.

Because the masks offer a false sense of security and may adversely impact more important public health mitigation measures.

Because our local high school cross-country teams should not be running the trails wearing masks.

Because the Oregon Board of Medicine suspended the license of a physician who objected to this policy.

Because one of the greatest losses in this pandemic has been the loss of credibility of organizations for whom we held in high regard. Organizations such as the CDC, WHO and Public Health Organizations that need to maintain the trust of the citizens.

Because it is increasingly apparent that the basis for the mask mandate is not medical, but political.

Because fear and panic should not prevail over actual evidence, even when many powerful institutions have expended so much political capital promoting the wrong policy.

We wish masks worked.
We wished we didn’t have to fight about them.

But they don’t.
And we do.

Tim Powell MD
John Powell MD

If you want to see more graphs, we have included them below as well as a video demonstration.







In September 2020, the CDC acknowledged that SARS-Cov-2 could be spread in an aerosolized manner. Masks are ineffective against this mode of transmission. Early in this pandemic, some physicians showed video evidence of how masks might work as a source control for droplet transmission of COVID-19. Unfortunately, this is not the case for aerosolized transmission of viruses as demonstrated in the video link below.




Liddat say...1 mask provides 47.5% protection ? Then use 3 masks and can get 142.5% protection.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Liddat say...1 mask provides 47.5% protection ? Then use 3 masks and can get 142.5% protection.

I don't think it works like that. :smile:

If we work it out in terms of droplets so out of 100 droplets 47.5 droplets are prevented by the mask which means 52.5 get through

Add one more mask and 47.5% of 52.5 droplets are filtered and so on as you keep adding masks.

This is the theory. In reality it is all a load of bull because Covid is spread by aerosol transmission.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Sam doesn't believe in science. So no point telling him all these shit.

Science comes up with theories and in order to prove a theory real world observations need to be done and data needs to be collected.

The hypothesis that masks work sounds logical ie reducing droplets reduces spread. However all the real world data that compares mask mandated regions vs those where there is no mask rule do not support the hypothesis.

When Einstein came up with his space/time theory it remained a theory until he was proven right by observation. His theory of general relativity then became the foundation of many scientific breakthroughs. Had his theory not been backed up by actually measuring the distortion of space by gravity it would have discredited and he would have had to have gone back to the drawing board.

When it comes to face masks the same scientific approach needs to be taken. If observation does not agree with theory then the whole hypothesis that masks work needs to be re examined. In my view the most obvious error is the assumption that droplets contribute significantly to the spread. If real world data does not match the lab data it means that aerosol transmission is the dominant factor with droplets playing an insignificant role.

Science was my favorite subject in school and my love of science continued through to Uni. I'm the last person on earth to be accused of not believing science. What I do not believe in is propaganda.

It is because I believe in science that I have concluded that masks don't work.


boss sam left out last reason,
you can wear a mask, beat the fuck out of somebody and no one can identify you


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Sam is not a doctor, only a two-bit quack... and not a good one at that. Who cares if he is angry or not.

I'm not angry just sad to see so many ill informed and gullible people populating this forum. With a strong foundation in science and maths I would have thought that most Singaporeans with a basic education would be able to view things from a scientific standpoint rather than an emotive one.


I'm not angry just sad to see so many ill informed and gullible people populating this forum. With a strong foundation in science and maths I would have thought that most Singaporeans with a basic education would be able to view things from a scientific standpoint rather than an emotive one.
Ok... I stand corrected. Who cares if he is sad or not. :biggrin:


wearing 6.9 masks is my best practice. plus pair of goggles and a face shield.
Why dont just wear a hazmat suit? Instead of moving the populace to live with the wuhan virus, and preventing the economy from being wreck n destroying peoples livelihoods...more garbage about prevention n lockdowns etc is being done. Now say multiple facemask. Why Dont live like bubble boy?


Alfrescian (Inf)
Why dont just wear a hazmat suit? Instead of moving the populace to live with the wuhan virus, and preventing the economy from being wreck n destroying peoples livelihoods...more garbage about prevention n lockdowns etc is being done. Now say multiple facemask. Why Dont live like bubble boy?
rich guy pandamic helmet. $369 including tax and delivery.


There are loads of studies that have been done in controlled conditions but none of the studies reflects the results of real world mask use showing that masks make no difference whatsoever to the Covid infection rate.

The reason for this was explained by CDC way back in March 2020.

liar liar pants on fire


Outdated Fauci Video on Face Masks Shared Out of Context
By Saranac Hale Spencer
Posted on May 19, 2020

Despite the new guidance, dubious Facebook pages and groups — some of which advocate alternative medicines, conspiracy theories and anti-vaccination messages — have been recently circulating an outdated recommendation on the use of face masks. The pages are sharing a March 8 video clip from CBS’ “60 Minutes” showing Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, saying: “There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask.”

But at that point in early March, the CDC recommended conserving face masks, which were in short supply, for health care workers and those who had COVID-19 and were showing symptoms. So, Fauci gave an answer that was in line with CDC recommendations at that time.

Here’s what Fauci told Dr. Jon LaPook, chief medical correspondent for CBS News, in the clip circulating on social media:

LaPook, March 8: There’s a lot of confusion among people, and misinformation, surrounding face masks. Can you discuss that?
Fauci: The masks are important for someone who’s infected to prevent them from infecting someone else… Right now in the United States, people should not be walking around with masks.
LaPook: You’re sure of it? Because people are listening really closely to this.
Fauci: …There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask. When you’re in the middle of an outbreak, wearing a mask might make people feel a little bit better and it might even block a droplet, but it’s not providing the perfect protection that people think that it is. And, often, there are unintended consequences — people keep fiddling with the mask and they keep touching their face.
LaPook: And can you get some schmutz, sort of staying inside there?
Fauci: Of course, of course. But, when you think masks, you should think of health care providers needing them and people who are ill. The people who, when you look at the films of foreign countries and you see 85% of the people wearing masks — that’s fine, that’s fine. I’m not against it. If you want to do it, that’s fine.
LaPook: But it can lead to a shortage of masks?
Fauci: Exactly, that’s the point. It could lead to a shortage of masks for the people who really need it.