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Uplift our Singaporean gene pool - open opportunities to RUS & UKR ladies suffering in their quagmire wars...


For decades, Asian ladies had been given opportunities to come to Singapore to earn a living, safely, honestly & legally.

Thanks to our Founding & Forefathers, whom just simply rolled up our sleeves & got to work hard & smart, we had made a home here for everyone & even beyond belief by many whom thought we would live on knees to others....

Many of the ladies had profited immensely thru OUR opportunities & policy to share wealth, regardless if they are in the entertainment professions, on vacation or even maids whom earn our S$ & then can buy land, build mansions & critically provide for the families & loved ones.

Sadly or thankfully as we Singaporeans had done our part to uplift lives including neighbors, as their wealth & economy grew thru shared ideas & visions of a peaceful progress thru opportunities of life & education, they no longer need us.

Thus their high demands in increasing prices for their services, which is only honest & legal in free market societies, but STILL a choice Singaporeans can make to pay or not.

However, NOT all nations on Earth are as fortunate as them, such as RUS & UKR which are embroiled in a quagmire war, sinking both nations to below 3rd World status. They need help, in many ways, but the most critical way is to starve off hunger for themselves & their loved ones, the way once our Asian neighbors had suffered.....& the best way is to provide a honest & legal service, & be paid willingly for such transactions.

Make NO mistakes - this post DOES NOT encourage Human trafficking. ANYONE - local or foreign whom engages in such WILL BE found out & face the harshest penalty, as Singapore is a Rule of Law Nation.

Ladies from war torn Nations will NOT be forced into doing anything that they have no wish to do so, to dent their pride & dignity. Singapore is a land of safe opportunities for everyone.

While some of such ladies whom had been given the chance to seek opportunities in Singapore, some will be faithful to their families & remit funds back, but there will be some of such ladies that may be fortunate enough to marry & give birth to our next generation of Singaporeans & increase our DNA heritage. Eugenics had been proven to be FAILED science, but DNA cellular Matter does not lie - strong bones, body size, etc.

While Asians had long been looked down foolishly by the ignorant & racially charged West, we Asians or at least most of us, had proven we are no pushover to democratic processes & progress. For Westerners, nothing is worse than starvation, being not able to put food on the table for loved ones & even home utilities & rent....& such will change Western dogmas & minds over nonsensical 'superiority' issues....

Thus, it is high time to LOOK FURTHER than Asia, to help uplift our gene pool....than to depend on interracial marriages between Asians.....with a noble aim to save lives - both foreigners & lonely locals & increase our population growth with more social expenditure funds earned to uplift all...

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Old Fart
A brilliant idea. I would gladly take in and copulate daily with this ukrainian village chiobu


sbf x.jpg



Thank you Mr. Glockman for your positive & far sighted response, & may you dream come true & help enhance our Singapore population growth further than to rely on foreign asian 'talents'.

Onlyfans is a website that had given opportunities to many ladies. However, it is not forever as beauty in a woman would ultimately fade as well as the HIGH competition faced by MANY more beautiful women in our World. In the end, that lady sadly would return to starvation one day.... It is only economics.....

Thankfully, there are many more ladies in our World, whom only wish to provide for their families & loved ones, with dignity & pride as a Human, & equally capable of accepting true love & give true love in return, whom are NOT on such subjective websites that OBJECTIVISE womanhood. The REALITY is that each mortal needs a companion in the journey of life, thru hell & highwater, & even when beauty fades, to discuss openly to find a better path forward, regardless of race, language or religion....

They too, like our experiences in uplifting our asian neighbors, only seeks to live life, to put food on their table for their loved ones, a quest that saw our civilization progressed to what it is today.... with eastern or western values, as each mortal is a Human born innocent first before differences set us apart....

syed putra

Let it be known, that Russia is not suffering. It's a world super power, although considered weakest of the lot. That is due to its small population. And huge land mass.
Ukraine allowed itself to be a stooge of the US neocons. Trump when he comes, will sort the mess out.

syed putra


Trump will pull US out of NATO if he wins election, ex-adviser warns​

By Jim Sciutto, CNN
Published 2:26 PM EST, Mon February 12, 2024
Former US President and 2024 presidential hopeful Donald Trump speaks at a Get Out the Vote Rally in Conway, South Carolina, on February 10, 2024. (Photo by Julia Nikhinson / AFP) (Photo by JULIA NIKHINSON/AFP via Getty Images)

01:07 - Source: CNN
Hear what Trump said about NATO countries and Russia

As US allies reel from Donald Trump’s weekend comments encouraging Russia to attack European allies if they don’t meet NATO budget contribution goals, multiple former Trump advisers warn in my upcoming book that the former president will seek to formally withdraw the US from the NATO alliance if he wins a second term


For those whom are narrow, single minded & crude where sexual gratification is all one needs, make no mistake - my post & thread is NOT about suggesting our fellow Humans in RUS & UKR do such things. It is about:-

A) Help starving UKR & RUS citizens with creating opportunities of jobs for them. Be PRACTICAL - the reconstruction costs of UKR war torn infrastructure will be costly, as well as the damage done to RUS thru international sanctions for their leaders to behave.

Consider also the aspect that wars are mostly fought by men. Thousands had died, both civilians & military troops, leaving many families & loved ones behind. It will be a struggle for them to survive, as no matter how much funds had been promised for the reconstruction of those lands, it will never be enough for total social expenditure of all.

Ukraine has a population of est 33 million. Should 1 billion$ be promised for the reconstruction of UKR infrastructures - roads, rails, homes, schools, utilities, water, electricity, farmlands, supply chains, it would work out to be only $30 per citizen....

For RUS, it has a population of est 146 million.......

Both war torn countries will need help, but charity begins at home, with its own citizens to contribute thru honest hard work in such tough times. Such are the consequences of war....

Should honest opportunities be opened to UKR & long poorly managed RUS citizens WORLDWIDE, & at least 30% be able to remit money back to their families & loved ones back home, it will be an estimated UKR 9million overseas workers X remit SGD300/mth = SGD2.7 Billion PER MONTH circulated into UKR economy to uplift lives.

B) Give both Singaporeans & starving RUS/UKR ladies a chance to meet up here in Singapore with no illusions, as the saying goes - money is not everything, but without money, everything becomes nothing, & thus may all drop the delusions of superiority, form relationships, get married & bring forth the next generations in peace & stability here.

In the past, circa 1960s, interracial marriages were frown upon, even within Chinese communities - a Teochew would have problems with parents if one wishes to marry a Hokkien partner. However, our nation grew up, & interracial marriages are far more acceptable now, even to foreigners.

As Singaporeans, we need not just set our sights upon Asians, as they & their country too had grown up & less dependent on Singaporeans. We can be bold & think bigger & further, for the kind of future generations to come through us

syed putra

Russians are not starving
And Ukraine farmland all sold to jew York Black Rock.
It's the US that is a warmonger preferring to fight endless wars while their citizens end up homeless.


Russians are not starving
And Ukraine farmland all sold to jew York Black Rock.
It's the US that is a warmonger preferring to fight endless wars while their citizens end up homeless.
Forever War mean good business to export outdated missiles, tanks and warplane at world class price...and commodities price can be "adjusted" for a more substainable level for ALL


US has been too diatracted by all these armed conflicts...and it is losing control in the outcomes in these conflict

Worse of all, it distant itself from the world as economic conditions are quickly worsening around the world in a High Rate + High Inflation global trade system

syed putra

Of course, if there US strong interest in these European girls you need to hang out in high end hotel bars like raffles or Hyatt. Baltic states, Israelis, polacks, Russians....and even those from the US.


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
For those whom are narrow, single minded & crude where sexual gratification is all one needs, make no mistake - my post & thread is NOT about suggesting our fellow Humans in RUS & UKR do such things. It is about:-

A) Help starving UKR & RUS citizens with creating opportunities of jobs for them. Be PRACTICAL - the reconstruction costs of UKR war torn infrastructure will be costly, as well as the damage done to RUS thru international sanctions for their leaders to behave.

Consider also the aspect that wars are mostly fought by men. Thousands had died, both civilians & military troops, leaving many families & loved ones behind. It will be a struggle for them to survive, as no matter how much funds had been promised for the reconstruction of those lands, it will never be enough for total social expenditure of all.

Ukraine has a population of est 33 million. Should 1 billion$ be promised for the reconstruction of UKR infrastructures - roads, rails, homes, schools, utilities, water, electricity, farmlands, supply chains, it would work out to be only $30 per citizen....

For RUS, it has a population of est 146 million.......

Both war torn countries will need help, but charity begins at home, with its own citizens to contribute thru honest hard work in such tough times. Such are the consequences of war....

Should honest opportunities be opened to UKR & long poorly managed RUS citizens WORLDWIDE, & at least 30% be able to remit money back to their families & loved ones back home, it will be an estimated UKR 9million overseas workers X remit SGD300/mth = SGD2.7 Billion PER MONTH circulated into UKR economy to uplift lives.

B) Give both Singaporeans & starving RUS/UKR ladies a chance to meet up here in Singapore with no illusions, as the saying goes - money is not everything, but without money, everything becomes nothing, & thus may all drop the delusions of superiority, form relationships, get married & bring forth the next generations in peace & stability here.

In the past, circa 1960s, interracial marriages were frown upon, even within Chinese communities - a Teochew would have problems with parents if one wishes to marry a Hokkien partner. However, our nation grew up, & interracial marriages are far more acceptable now, even to foreigners.

As Singaporeans, we need not just set our sights upon Asians, as they & their country too had grown up & less dependent on Singaporeans. We can be bold & think bigger & further, for the kind of future generations to come through us
Can I help feed starving Russian and Ukrainian chiobu with my cum?


Thanks all for each's contribution to this thread, regardless if positive, negative or crude, as each has free will & choice to present themselves as they are....

This discussion & talk here may had been done, but are our govt, let alone Worldwide, Stat Boards, agencies & citizens, ready to take the next step to uplift lives?....

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