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Uncle Roger's Restaurant starting to go downhill 1 month after opening

syed putra

I think there are investors who pumped in the money and uncle Roger just collects advertisement fee
Maybe with a plan to open more branches.like McDonalds. If thats the case, the prices are too high and restaurant too big. Must have single seating areas too like in japan


Alfrescian (Inf)
Instead of opening restaurants, he should have opened a stall at a touristy hawker centre e.g. Lau Pa Sat.


retail is a cul de sac in Sg. Go over the causeway, and learn how people cook real food and sell it with integrity. Whenever I hear STB brags about Sg being a food mecca i spit my smelly saliva
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Alfrescian (Inf)
retail is a cul de sac in Sg. Go over the causeway, and learn how people cook real food and sell it with integrity. Whenver I hear STB brags about Sg being a food mecca i spit my smelly saliva

Franchises vs family-owned restaurants, what do you think? :biggrin:

I am always amused by the sight of Tiong tourists sent by the busloads to Song Fa bak kut teh restaurants for lunch. :roflmao:



Franchises vs family-owned restaurants, what do you think? :biggrin:

I am always amused by the sight of Tiong tourists sent by the busloads to Song Fa bak kut teh restaurants for lunch. :roflmao:

tell that to people from Klang, who spit at Sg bak kut teh. They will tell sinkielan to call it by any name but bak kut teh