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UK's Khan bans taxi drivers from flying England flags



Reform UK leader said London Mayor 'hates England' as black cab drivers hit with Cross of St George rule during Euro 2024.​


Nigel Farage has accused London Mayor Sadiq Khan of “hating England” after London cab drivers were banned from flying England flags during the Euros.

Transport for London (TfL), which is responsible for the capital’s transport network and is chaired by Mr Khan, has warned the city’s 125,000 cab drivers they face stiff penalties - including the loss of their black cab licences - if they fly the Cross of St George in their vehicles.
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Reform UK leader said London Mayor 'hates England' as black cab drivers hit with Cross of St George rule during Euro 2024.​


Nigel Farage has accused London Mayor Sadiq Khan of “hating England” after London cab drivers were banned from flying England flags during the Euros.

Transport for London (TfL), which is responsible for the capital’s transport network and is chaired by Mr Khan, has warned the city’s 125,000 cab drivers they face stiff penalties - including the loss of their black cab licences - if they fly the Cross of St George in their vehicles.
this is what happened when you let Muslims invade your country

Vlad Tepes

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Alfrescian (Inf)
Nigel Farage for UK.
Le Pen for France.
AfD for Germany.

The purification of Europe will be glorious to see.

When the usual suspects call them 'far right', you know you've done a good thing.
European right wing parties should have aggressive names to reflect their views:

Change "Sweden Democrats" to "Thor shoves his hammer up Muhammad's ass".

Amend Le Pen's "National Rally" to "Circumcise Muhammad with a guillotine"