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Ukrainian interior minister, his deputy, and another official among 16 killed as helicopter crashes near nursery in Kyiv region


Condolences to the victims families of the crash. It is good that the UKR govt is launching an investigation to it, as it will give a closure to the victims families.

May the investigation include:-
1. Whom encouraged the ENTIRE Interior Ministry officials to get onboard the same aircraft, & whom did not.
2. Whom were the technicians who serviced the aircraft & the one who declared the aircraft safe to fly, including the pilots as well as they & their trusted ones financial records.
3. Whom knew of the flight path & their financial records.
3. Comb thru the wreckage for any outside parts, such as missile parts or even a 7.62mm sniper rifle bullet, as just one mere hit on a CRITICAL part is enough to damage the aircraft, & Whom were the military units - local & enemy - within the crash zone, as the max damage caused is too suspicious to be a coincidence.

Ultimately, life goes on. UKR is a democracy, & each ministry has deputies whom can step up to the plate. No one is irreplaceable in a Democracy. The functions of State will carry on, & WITH greater determination than ever, TRUE martyrs made by their sacrifices, of which MANY courageous UKR citizens & soldiers did the same, often unrecorded, like the UKR soldier whom threw himself upon a tossed grenade from the ruthless RUS Wagner terrorists, to not only save his fellow team members, his loved ones at home, but ALL Humanity - a sacrificial stand against tyranny, that WILL NOT go in vain....., & a brave Interior Ministry leadership whom only intentions were to support the frontline troops, talk, discuss & find solutions to help the courageous frontline troop facing the worst powers & yet determined to save their loved ones, in any & everyway possible within limits of this war, in this vicious fight against brutal barbaric inhumane RUS leaders.

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syed putra

Ultimately, life goes on. UKR is a democracy, & each ministry has deputies whom can step up to the plate. No one is irreplaceable in a Democracy.
Ukraine is not a democracy. It was a democracy. But now they have discarded the majority russian speakers from elections by detaining russian speaking politicians, closing russian speaking entities like what PAP did to malays,

Singapore Dancing Spirit

What will be the future of Ukraine?
(This is just my imagination)

An Ukranian soldier saw a Russian beauty (bitch) in Ukraine street, and he pretends to take her to bed.


He starts his conversation:

Ukrainian: Kakdeala ? (That means Hello or How are u in Russia)
Russian hooker: Harasho (that means fine)

If she speaks Russian language in Ukraine, she will be dead.

Russian hookers are everywhere to ensnare men into captivity. Even the Hunter Biden was trapped by these beauties. So, if a nation wants to overcome Russia, they must get rid of all the spies who act like hookers.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Condolences to the victims families of the crash. It is good that the UKR govt is launching an investigation to it, as it will give a closure to the victims families.

May the investigation include:-
1. Whom encouraged the ENTIRE Interior Ministry officials to get onboard the same aircraft, & whom did not.
2. Whom were the technicians who serviced the aircraft & the one who declared the aircraft safe to fly, including the pilots as well as they & their trusted ones financial records.
3. Whom knew of the flight path & their financial records.
3. Comb thru the wreckage for any outside parts, such as missile parts or even a 7.62mm sniper rifle bullet, as just one mere hit on a CRITICAL part is enough to damage the aircraft, & Whom were the military units - local & enemy - within the crash zone, as the max damage caused is too suspicious to be a coincidence.

Ultimately, life goes on. UKR is a democracy, & each ministry has deputies whom can step up to the plate. No one is irreplaceable in a Democracy. The functions of State will carry on, & WITH greater determination than ever, TRUE martyrs made by their sacrifices, of which MANY courageous UKR citizens & soldiers did the same, often unrecorded, like the UKR soldier whom threw himself upon a tossed grenade from the ruthless RUS Wagner terrorists, to not only save his fellow team members, his loved ones at home, but ALL Humanity - a sacrificial stand against tyranny, that WILL NOT go in vain....., & a brave Interior Ministry leadership whom only intentions were to support the frontline troops, talk, discuss & find solutions to help the courageous frontline troop facing the worst powers & yet determined to save their loved ones, in any & everyway possible within limits of this war, in this vicious fight against brutal barbaric inhumane RUS leaders.

Ukraine is a cuntry rifed with corruption. Won't discount the fact that there's several Russian spies embedded within in the Ukrainian army.
Many aren't even aware that Ukraine was instrumental in accelerating tiong-cock's military might.

Singapore Dancing Spirit


In the war like this. the stronger and mighty men win the stronghold of the enemy and then loot the possessions.

While practicing pillow war with special someone, again stronger and mighty man wins the heart her love and care in his bosom. Otherwise, she may start flirting with other men and slutty always like Madam Ho.


Ukraine is a cuntry rifed with corruption. Won't discount the fact that there's several Russian spies embedded within in the Ukrainian army.
Many aren't even aware that Ukraine was instrumental in accelerating tiong-cock's military might.
Ukraine is the head of the snake for the cabal. Hub for all kinds of heinous crime and sin - you name it, they have it. The sky is the limit