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Ukraine War: US factories ramp up weapon production



The US has increased munitions production at some sites that were previously dormant in order to meet the demands of the Ukrainian armed forces.

To give an idea of the scale required, the army in Ukraine are firing off between 4,000 and 7,000 artillery rounds every single day.

Read more: https://trib.al/QTC8as2


Alfrescian (Inf)
Putin is actually helping the US armed forces by allowing them to test their weapons and strategies in a large scale conventional war by suppling live targets ( Russia’s death toll from the war in Ukraine has reached as high as 60,000) and real enemy weapon systems without a single US fatality.
Mudland chinese in the meantime still hail Russian invasion as returning Ukraine to motherland!
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Old Fart
The scamdemic is petering out, now it's time to go to Plan B: start a war.
Fuck lah, wars are so passe, so early 20th century pfft. Viruses/biological agents are the in-thing. Brace ourselves for more fun down the road. I am holding on dearly to my stockpile of surgical masks. :biggrin:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Putin is actually helping the US armed forces by allowing them to test their weapons and strategies in a large scale conventional war by suppling live targets ( Russia’s death toll from the war in Ukraine has reached as high as 60,000) and real enemy weapon systems without a single US fatality.
Mudland chinese in the meantime still hail Russian invasion as returning Uktaine to motherland!
helps ike’s definition of the military industrial complex to prosper and replenish old obsolete munitions.


Putin is actually helping the US armed forces by allowing them to test their weapons and strategies in a large scale conventional war by suppling live targets ( Russia’s death toll from the war in Ukraine has reached as high as 60,000) and real enemy weapon systems without a single US fatality.
Mudland chinese in the meantime still hail Russian invasion as returning Uktaine to motherland!

Obviously the mineral and oil resources from ukraine as well as chio bu is well worth it

