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Ukraine vs Russia - score so far


High Order Twit / Low SES subject


Puting playing the meat grinder game strategy.
Ukraine will eventually run out of men to fight.
NATO for sure wouldn't send boots in.
Russia will then extract surrender terms of all regions lining the black sea. Ukraine will have to forever give them up and never join NATO.
Russia will sell gas cheap to Ukraine in return.
Zelensky will be allowed to exile. This is Putin's way of making Ukrainians angry at zelensky. Eventually the Ukrainians will take him out themselves.
A new pro Russian president will be chosen.
Nazis will be executed or jailed.
Hail Putin!


Puting playing the meat grinder game strategy.
Ukraine will eventually run out of men to fight.
NATO for sure wouldn't send boots in.
Russia will then extract surrender terms of all regions lining the black sea. Ukraine will have to forever give them up and never join NATO.
Russia will sell gas cheap to Ukraine in return.
Zelensky will be allowed to exile. This is Putin's way of making Ukrainians angry at zelensky. Eventually the Ukrainians will take him out themselves.
A new pro Russian president will be chosen.
Nazis will be executed or jailed.
Hail Putin!
Russia has the resources to play the long and hold game. The longer this drag out, EU economy will collapse first. A bit suspecting he is waiting for this to happen then he will make the major move. The huge bulk of his main army is not even on the move yet.....

