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Ukraine POW exchange including those who shot down MH17



Kiev & Donbass begin largest prisoner exchange in E. Ukraine conflict
Published time: 27 Dec, 2017 11:49 Edited time: 27 Dec, 2017 11:59
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FILE PHOTO: Prisoners exchange between Kiev and the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic outside Donetsk, Ukraine in February 2016 © Reuters
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The largest exchange of prisoners during the civil war in eastern Ukraine is taking place in Donbass between Kiev and the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics.
The parties have been preparing for the landmark exchange for almost a year and a half. Disagreements repeatedly put the event in jeopardy, but an agreement has eventually been reached to exchange 306 people kept by Kiev to 74 people held in Donbass.

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Kiev bill on Donbass reintegration is unacceptable, says Kremlin
The last exchange of prisoners in Donbass took place more than 15 months ago. According to the Minsk agreements on the settlement of the conflict, the parties vowed to conduct an exchange of prisoners based on the “all for all” principle, but the progress stalled due to disagreements, including those on the lists of persons to be exchanged.

Both sides repeatedly blamed each other for trying to disrupt the process. Kiev also faced legal hurdles as some of the prisoners were charged with “serious crimes,” legally preventing them from being released.

Russian President Vladimir Putin previously urged the parties to resolve any obstacles by the end of 2017, as he supported the initiative of Ukrainian politician Viktor Medvedchuk, the leader of the Ukrainian Choice – People’s Right movement, who met Putin in mid-November. The Russian president then discussed the initiative with the leaders of the self-proclaimed Ukrainian republics over the phone.

The date for the exchange was finally set for December 27 on Monday, after Russia’s Patriarch Kirill met with the leaders of the breakaway Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, Aleksandr Zakharchenko and Leonid Pasechnik, as well as Medvedchuk. On Tuesday, Zakharchenko said he had issued a pardon of prisoners. “The last conditions were negotiated,” he said, voicing hope that “the Ukrainian side will keep its promises.” Pasechnik announced he had also signed a pardon on Wednesday.

The place and names of people being exchanged was not disclosed in advance for security reasons.

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OSCE official Martin Sajdik has welcomed the agreement, calling on the sides to ensure appropriate conditions for the prisoner swap.

“I welcome the agreement to exchange detained persons on December 27, 2017, reached by the parties to the conflict,” he said in a statement cited by TASS on Tuesday. Sajdik noted that the exchange “is an important step that the prisoners and their families have been waiting for” and has an important “symbolic meaning ahead of the holiday season.”