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UK: Supporters of ‘Palestinian’ jihad terror vandalize soccer stadium for allowing Israeli team to practice there


The reality of the situation is that it is the “Palestinians” who routinely call for genocide of the Jews and target Israeli civilians, not the other way around. But the “Palestinians” have been able to go very far with their spurious claims of victimhood, and aren’t about to stop now.

Partick Thistle’s Firhill stadium has defaced with shocking graffiti after Israel trained there ahead of their clash with Scotland….

Israel were allowed to train at Firhill earlier this week ahead of the Euro 2020 crunch match and Partick Thistle have seen their stadium targeted with a vile message.

Images show red paint splattered over the main entrance, as well as a message reading “Palestinian blood”.

A spokesperson for Partick Thistle said:”We are extremely disappointed that our stadium has been vandalised in this way. The matter is now in the hands of police….

There were similar scenes at Hampden last month for the Nations League meeting between the two sides.

Red paint was splashed over a road leading into the national stadium with the words “Palestinian blood!” daubed on an overlooking wall….

syed putra

The current palestinians live like prisoners.
They cannot leave their area to another. Road blocks. Checks.
Those on gaza srips cannot even go to Egypt.
Gaza is half the size of sinkie. Imagine you are stuck there needing permission to leave or seek treatment everytime.