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UK: muslim who sent weapon parts abroad for Taliban fighters jailed for terror offences



Muhammad Choudhary, from east London, was identified after rifle scopes were intercepted at Heathrow Airport and admitted they were intended for Taliban fighters.​


A man has been jailed for terror offences after sending high-tech rifle parts abroad for Taliban fighters in Afghanistan.

Muhammad Choudhary, 41, from east London, was sentenced to seven years in prison at the Old Bailey on Tuesday after previously pleading guilty to the charges.

It follows a joint investigation by His Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC) and the Metropolitan Police's counter terrorism command.

The court heard Choudhary sent thermal imaging night vision rifle scopes to Pakistan on a number of occasions in 2017 and 2018.

In January 2018, officers seized rifle scopes at Heathrow Airport that were intended for an address in Pakistan.

Choudhary was identified as the person who sent the weapon parts and was interviewed by HMRC investigators, when he admitted buying sniper sights in the UK and knew they were destined for members of the Taliban.

At the time, the militant group was launching attacks against coalition forces in Afghanistan.

[IMG alt="Muhammad Choudhary sent night vision and thermal imaging rifle scopes to support terrorist activity by the Taliban in Afghanistan.
Pic: Met Police"]https://e3.365dm.com/24/10/768x432/skynews-muhammad-choudhary_6716660.jpg?20241015151832[/IMG] Image: Night vision and thermal imaging rifle scopes were intercepted at Heathrow Airport. Pic: Met Police

Following an investigation by the Met's counter terrorism command, Choudhary was charged in September 2023.

In January, he pleaded guilty to a charge of fundraising for the purposes of terrorism, and two charges of making funding arrangements for the purposes of terrorism.

He pleaded not guilty to a further 23 offences - linked to breaching customs and excise laws - at a hearing in February. Those offences were left to lie on file.