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UK Muslim Rape Gangs are An Islamic Problem



"It is hard to describe the appalling nature of the abuse that child victims suffered."​


August 26 marked ten years since the publication of the Jay Report, an independent inquiry into child sexual exploitation in the British town of Rotherham. The 2014 report found that at least 1,400 underage girls were abused predominantly by Muslim men of Pakistani heritage between 1997 and 2013 in this South Yorkshire town.

“It is hard to describe the appalling nature of the abuse that child victims suffered,” the report noted.

“They were raped by multiple perpetrators, trafficked to other towns and cities in the north of England, abducted, beaten, and intimidated. There were examples of children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone. Girls as young as 11 were raped by large numbers of male perpetrators.”
The report – written by Professor Alexis Jay – criticized Rotherham Council for failing to protect the victims, saying that the Council had not addressed the “scale” of grooming prior to 2014.

The mainstream media’s stance towards those abuses committed by Muslim men were a combination of a blackout, censorship or whitewashing – with a few exceptions. In 2011, for instance, journalist Andrew Norfolk published an article in The Times entitled “Revealed: conspiracy of silence on UK sex gangs”. The report said, in part:

“A culture of silence that has facilitated the sexual exploitation of hundreds of young British girls by criminal pimping gangs is exposed by The Times today.
“For more than a decade, child protection experts have identified a repeated pattern of sex offending in towns and cities across northern England and the Midlands involving groups of older men who groom and abuse vulnerable girls aged 11 to 16 after befriending them on the street.
“Most of the victims are white and most of the convicted offenders are of Pakistani heritage.”
Eight years after the publication of the Jay report, another inquiry found that rape, sexual abuse, brainwashing, drugging and other crimes had “thrived unchecked” in the English town of Telford since the 1970s. The Independent reported in 2022:

” More than 1,000 children were abused by sexual grooming gangs in Telford during decades of failings by police and authorities.
“Tom Crowther QC, chair of the inquiry, said ‘obvious signs’ of exploitation such as teenage pregnancies and disappearances were ignored, as children were labelled as prostitutes or blamed for their ‘lifestyles’ and perpetrators went free.
“’Exploitation was not investigated because of nervousness about race,’ he said. ‘A high proportion of those cases involved perpetrators that were described by victims/survivors and others as being Asian or, often, Pakistani,’ he added.”
According to the Telford report, child sexual exploitation “still exists today and is prevalent across the country as a whole.”

Maggie Oliver, the former detective turned whistleblower, confirmed this. She said in 2023 that child sex abuse perpetrated by British Pakistani grooming gangs is still taking place and being ignored by the police almost a decade after it was first exposed.

Although the root cause of this endemic is Islam’s approval of the sexual enslavement of non-Muslim women and girls, the labor government of England still fails to honestly address its existence and its root cause – at the expense of British children and women.

One of the courageous political leaders in the country who has addressed the issue openly is the former Home Secretary Suella Braverman. Speaking about the dangers of grooming gangs, Braverman said in 2022:

“(We see) a practice whereby vulnerable white English girls — sometimes in care, sometimes in challenging circumstances — being pursued, raped, drugged, and harmed by gangs of British Pakistani men, who work in child abuse rings or networks.
“We’ve seen institutions, social workers, state agencies, cops, and social workers turn a blind eye to this — out of political correctness and out of fear of being called racist. There are many perpetrators running wild and behaving in this way, and it is now time for authorities to track these perpetrators down without fear or favor and bring them to justice.”
Despite all these reports and even official announcements, the sexual abuse of British girls and women by Muslim Pakistani men remains a widespread problem. British journalist David Atherton posted on X on August 10:

“Meet Akram, 42, living in Stockport who groomed, what he thought was 14-year-old child, possibly a boy. He is a repeat offender. He has lived here 5 years, moving from Pakistan and believed he was meeting up with them.”
On July 6, Atherton posted:

“This is Pakistani Kishar, living in Bradford, who has only been in the country for 4 months. He indulged in obscene conversations with a 14-year-old boy. He turned up expecting to have sex.”
On April 28, Atherton reported:

“This week 24 Pakistan heritage men and one white man were jailed for a combined 349 years for historical rape and trafficking of 8 white girls under the age of 16.
“In 2015 twelve men, all cousins were jailed for the continued rape of a girl, 13.
“Judge Roger Thomas QC remarked they had ‘treated these proceedings with a certain amount of contempt and arrogance’. Translated, it means they felt they had done nothing wrong.”
What Muslim Pakistani grooming gangs and individuals do to British children and women is considered “normal” by the perpetrators and their wider communities. Islamic teaching allows Muslim men to keep non-Muslim women as sex slaves. Sexual slavery is permitted by the Islamic scriptures. In fact, a large part of the Sharia is dedicated to this practice. The Muslim world has never apologized for this dehumanizing practice. The Website “Religion of Peace” explains:

“Slavery is deeply embedded in Islamic law and tradition… The very fact that only non-Muslims may be taken as slaves is evidence of Islam’s supremacist doctrine… The Quran actually devotes more verses to making sure that Muslim men know they can keep women as sex slaves (4) than it does to telling them to pray five times a day (zero).
“Muhammad, the most revered figure in the religion, practiced and approved of slavery. His own pulpit was literally built with slave labor. Caliphs since have had harems of hundreds, sometimes thousands of young girls and women brought from Christian, Hindu and African lands to serve Islam’s religious equivalent of the pope in the most demeaning fashion.
“Literally millions of Christians were captured into slavery during the many centuries of Jihad. So pervasive were the incursions by the Turks into Eastern Europe, that the English word for slave is based on Slav… Muslim slave raiders operated as far north as England.”
Despite the centuries-long tradition of sexual slavery by Muslim men, there has been no intellectual opposition or protests from Islamic clerics to sexual slavery. Instead, many publicly defend or attempt to justify the practice. Some examples:

  • In 2014, al-Azhar (the Islamic world’s most prestigious university) proclaimedthat Muslims can capture women in battle for sex slavery. The woman making the announcement was Professor of Theology Suad Saleh, a so-called “moderate,” who said this at the very same time that thousands of Yazidi women were being horrifically raped by the Islamic State (ISIS).
  • A Quran memorization competition organized by ISIS in 2015 offered slave girls as the top three prizes. Again, there were no voices of Muslim protests anywhere across the world.
  • A Kuwaiti Sheikh calledin 2017 enslaving unbelievers “one of the virtues of Islam.”
  • A 12-year-old girl taken captive by ISIS explained that her “master” would pray before he raped her: “He told me that according to Islam he is allowed to rape an unbeliever. He said that by raping me, he is drawing closer to Allah.”
  • Other sex slaves have been forced to praybefore the rape or recite passages from the Quran during the act. When a Yazidi woman begged a caliphate member not to rape a little girl, he responded, “She’s a slave… and having sex with her pleases God.”
  • A senior Islamic scholar, Sheikh Saleh al-Fawzan, affirmedin 2018 that taking a married woman as “booty” and making her a sex-slave annuls the contract with her non-Muslim husband.
  • An Americanapologist for Islam defended slavery in a 2020 interview, saying that “renting” labor is “better than owning.”
  • In 2024, a New Jersey imam openly prayedthat the Jewish children in Israel become “booty for Muslims.”
Since the 7th century emergence of Islam in Arabia, millions of non-Muslim women and children across the world – in Europe, Africa, Asia and elsewhere – have been enslaved and abused by Muslim men. The perpetrators have religious motivations for violating non-Muslims and treating them as their sex slaves. The question is: Why do Western governments and citizens tolerate Muslim men raping their women and children on their own soil and under their sovereignty?