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UK LGBT group warns prisons that talking about protecting women and girls could be ‘transphobic’ like 'islamophobic'



Discussions regarding the protection of women and girls in UK prisons could be “transphobic”, a pro-LGBT group has claimed.

The Pride in Prison & Probation (PIPP) group, a government staff organisation that supports LGBT ideology, has claimed that discussions surrounding wanting to protect women and girls could be “transphobic”.

It comes amid public outcry in Britain over attempts to house male rapists described as so-called “transwomen” in female prisons, despite previous evidence describing such arrangements as putting women and girls housed at serious risk.

However, according to a report by The Times, PIPP believes that such talk of protecting such prisoners could be problematic, and has reportedly emailed staff within the Ministry of Justice ordering them to stay away from certain terms and phrases.

Within the alleged email the group — which reportedly sits on the HM Prison and Probation Service board which, among other things, allocates transgender prisoners — claimed that discussions of “protecting women and girls” could be considered “transphobic” if used in a “coded” manner.

The message also orders civil servants to stay away from around 35 different terms and phrases that it describes as having the potential to be discriminatory against transgender people, including “protect women’s spaces”, “actual/real woman” and “adult human female”.

Despite the power held by the group within the prison service, government officials have reportedly tried to “distance” the department from the pro-transgenderism group’s views.

With the email by the group reportedly being sent to staff in November, the message represents a precursor to the ongoing controversy surrounding transgenderism, with certain elements within the UK desiring to house male “transwomen” with real female prisoners….