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UK could be hit by wave of homegrown jihadis if British muslims are called antisemitic, scholar warns


Branding British Muslims anti-Semites in the wake of October 7 could lead to an increase in Islamist extremism, according to an Islamic scholar.

Dr. Mohammad bin Abdulkarim Al-Issa, Secretary General of The Muslim World League, said 'unwarranted suspicion' of Islam could drive moderate followers of the religion to form the hardline views that lead to terrorism.

He also warned against the rise of anti-Semitism, after vile chants were reported at several pro-Gaza protests across the country.


EXCLUSIVEUK could be hit by wave of homegrown jihadis if British muslims are called antisemitic after Hamas terror attack on Israel, scholar warns​

By Ed Holt
Published: 10:55 BST, 30 June 2024 | Updated: 10:59 BST, 30 June 2024

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Branding British Muslims anti-Semites in the wake of October 7 could lead to an increase in Islamist extremism, according to an Islamic scholar.
Dr. Mohammad bin Abdulkarim Al-Issa, Secretary General of The Muslim World League, said 'unwarranted suspicion' of Islam could drive moderate followers of the religion to form the hardline views that lead to terrorism.
He also warned against the rise of anti-Semitism, after vile chants were reported at several pro-Gaza protests across the country.

In a chilling assessment, Dr. Al-Issa - who is holding private meetings with politicians and Jewish community representatives during a UK visit - said, 'We fear the rise of both anti-Semitism and Islamophobia and warn against pushing moderate Muslims towards political Islam and extremism, which could happen if they are repeatedly described as anti-Semites.
'We must encourage the moderate Islam of the vast majority of Muslims in the United Kingdom, who live here peacefully and contribute to its economy and prosperity.'
Dr. Mohammad bin Abdulkarim Al-Issa (pictured), Secretary General of The Muslim World League, said 'unwarranted suspicion' of Islam could drive moderate followers of the religion to form the hardline views that lead to terrorism

Dr. Mohammad bin Abdulkarim Al-Issa (pictured), Secretary General of The Muslim World League, said 'unwarranted suspicion' of Islam could drive moderate followers of the religion to form the hardline views that lead to terrorism