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UK: 10-year-old muslim daughter forced to wear hijab to hide horrific injuries from parental abuse



Sara Sharif forced to wear hijab to hide horrific injuries from abuse, court hears​

Dead girl had plastic bag taped around her head as a 'home-made hood' and was beaten with array of weapons including rolling pin, cricket bat and metal pole​


A defenceless girl was beaten “black” by her brute of a father and then forced to wear a Muslim hijab to hide her horrific injuries, a court heard
Taxi driver Urfan Sharif allegedly “beat the crap” out of his 10-year-old daughter Sara Sharif with a bloodstained cricket bat and rolling pin among weapons recovered from the family home after her battered body was abandoned as her family fled to Pakistan.
But he had left a note beside her corpse telling cops: “I killed my daughter - I beat her too much.”
Sharif’s stepmother Beinash Batool previously confided to her sisters about violence being waged against Sara at least two years before her death, telling them “something happens to Sara I will not be able to forgive myself”.
Batool, 30, had blamed husband Sharif, 42, for carrying out the savage attacks in a series of WhatsApp messages dating back to 2019, the Old Bailey was told.
