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Uganda Imam converts to Christianity, peaceful muslims beat him with sticks, threaten to kill him



NAIROBI, Kenya (Morning Star News) – Upset over conversions to Christianity, hardline Muslims in an area of eastern Uganda this month sprayed a newly Christian family with acid and beat a former mosque leader, sources said….

Former Imam Injured

On March 13 in the same district, hardline Muslim villagers attacked former mosque leader Swaleh Mulongo of Bugobi village.

Mulongo said he had met with a local pastor, whose name is undisclosed for security reasons, for six years before putting his faith in Christ on Jan. 13.

After Mulongo stopped leading prayer at the Bugobi mosque, Sheikh Abubakar Sekimpi took over and organized a manhunt for him, the former imam said. He had begun worshipping at a church in Iganga, and hardline Muslims waited for him about five kilometers (three miles) from the worship site, he said.

“It was around 8 a.m. when four Muslims stopped me and began asking me so many questions regarding Christianity, but I did not respond,” Mulongo told Morning Star News. “Then the men started beating me up with blows and sticks, but thank God when they saw some people approaching, they fled away.”

With deep head wounds, a broken wrist and bruises on his back, Mulongo was taken to a hospital in Iganga that belongs to one of the Christians in Bugobi, he said.

The assailants continued on to kill goats and chickens of the pastor who had led Mulongo to Christ, the former imam said.

They left a letter warning, “We know you are a deceiver, and that you converted our imam to Christianity. We shall soon get hold of you, which will be a big regret to your family and the entire church.”…


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

NAIROBI, Kenya (Morning Star News) – Upset over conversions to Christianity, hardline Muslims in an area of eastern Uganda this month sprayed a newly Christian family with acid and beat a former mosque leader, sources said….

Former Imam Injured

On March 13 in the same district, hardline Muslim villagers attacked former mosque leader Swaleh Mulongo of Bugobi village.

Mulongo said he had met with a local pastor, whose name is undisclosed for security reasons, for six years before putting his faith in Christ on Jan. 13.

After Mulongo stopped leading prayer at the Bugobi mosque, Sheikh Abubakar Sekimpi took over and organized a manhunt for him, the former imam said. He had begun worshipping at a church in Iganga, and hardline Muslims waited for him about five kilometers (three miles) from the worship site, he said.

“It was around 8 a.m. when four Muslims stopped me and began asking me so many questions regarding Christianity, but I did not respond,” Mulongo told Morning Star News. “Then the men started beating me up with blows and sticks, but thank God when they saw some people approaching, they fled away.”

With deep head wounds, a broken wrist and bruises on his back, Mulongo was taken to a hospital in Iganga that belongs to one of the Christians in Bugobi, he said.

The assailants continued on to kill goats and chickens of the pastor who had led Mulongo to Christ, the former imam said.

They left a letter warning, “We know you are a deceiver, and that you converted our imam to Christianity. We shall soon get hold of you, which will be a big regret to your family and the entire church.”…

If moslems are allowed to leave the arabic mohameddan religion freely, islam will collapse. The moslem mobs are just defending their brittle, islamic religion.