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UEFA Champion 2024: Muslims stab 3 fans



At the Public Viewing in the fan zone in Stuttgart, there was a beating that ended in a stabbing area on Wednesday evening. It was around 10.45 p.m. when the man pulled out a knife during the game of the Czech Republic and stabbed three people. All three were injured and had to be taken to hospital with the emergency services.

An adespector was arrested during the night. As the police announced to NIUS, the man is a Syrian national. The police forces detached the Stuttgart Schlossplatz, specialists of the criminal police secured traces.
On Platform X, the police announced on Thursday at night: “The Schlossplatz is now largely empty and there is no current danger situation here”. A notification portal has been set up where witnesses can upload their pictures, videos and notes. The public viewing on Schlossplatz in Stuttgart offers space for up to 30,000 fans.