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U.S. Government Green Lights Vaccine for Honeybees


Why do mad scientists have to vaccinate every animal on planet Earth?

Humans, livestock, and now honeybees.

We need honeybees for food pollination.

It’s critical to our food supply.

About 1/3 of the food eaten by Americans comes from crops pollinated by honeybees.

If anything damages honeybees, our food supply is in trouble.

What is the proposed solution to ‘protect the health’ of honeybees?

A vaccination.

That seems to be the ‘solution’ for everything.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) granted a conditional license for a vaccine created by Dalan Animal Health.

The U.S. biotech company’s vaccine is said to help protect honeybees from American foulbrood disease.

“Our vaccine is a breakthrough in protecting honeybees,” said Annette Kleiser, chief executive of Dalan Animal Health.

“We are ready to change how we care for insects, impacting food production on a global scale.”

The way we’ll care for insects in the future is by vaccinating them?

Who else has a bad feeling about that strategy?




Why do mad scientists have to vaccinate every animal on planet Earth?

Humans, livestock, and now honeybees.

We need honeybees for food pollination.

It’s critical to our food supply.

About 1/3 of the food eaten by Americans comes from crops pollinated by honeybees.

If anything damages honeybees, our food supply is in trouble.

What is the proposed solution to ‘protect the health’ of honeybees?

A vaccination.

That seems to be the ‘solution’ for everything.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) granted a conditional license for a vaccine created by Dalan Animal Health.

The U.S. biotech company’s vaccine is said to help protect honeybees from American foulbrood disease.

“Our vaccine is a breakthrough in protecting honeybees,” said Annette Kleiser, chief executive of Dalan Animal Health.

“We are ready to change how we care for insects, impacting food production on a global scale.”

The way we’ll care for insects in the future is by vaccinating them?

Who else has a bad feeling about that strategy?

Luckily for now, the vaccines are not capable of self-propagation. Wait till they advance the science even more and they start creating self-replicating, self-mutating vaccines.

The earth will be a barren graveyard in 50-100 years.



Luckily for now, the vaccines are not capable of self-propagation. Wait till they advance the science even more and they start creating self-replicating, self-mutating vaccines.

The earth will be a barren graveyard in 50-100

Luckily for now, the vaccines are not capable of self-propagation. Wait till they advance the science even more and they start creating self-replicating, self-mutating vaccines.

The earth will be a barren graveyard in 50-100 years.
mRNA destroys your immunity after hijacking it. That’s worse than self propagation, that’s gene editing and cloning


Bill Gates wants to ‘vaccinate’ animals to give them better genetics



mRNA destroys your immunity after hijacking it. That’s worse than self propagation, that’s gene editing and cloning
uh... I don't think you got my point. it's when the vaccines don't need to be lab-made and jabbed into you. Rather they make some self-replicating, auto-injecting auto-vaccine.

So think Covid jab but not with a vial and needle, but airborne, invisible and everywhere that keeps replicating and "vaccinating" people.


uh... I don't think you got my point. it's when the vaccines don't need to be lab-made and jabbed into you. Rather they make some self-replicating, auto-injecting auto-vaccine.

So think Covid jab but not with a vial and needle, but airborne, invisible and everywhere that keeps replicating and "vaccinating" people.
long before they jabbed you, they have been leaving chemtrails in the sky. Go figure