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U Mean the BEST PAID Govt Can't See This?


Alfrescian (Inf)
<TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%"><TBODY><TR>Why footpath sharing is an insoluble problem
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<!-- START OF : div id="storytext"--><!-- more than 4 paragraphs -->IT SEEMS to me, as a pedestrian and cyclist, that constant public grouses over several years about cyclists on footpaths are getting us nowhere.
Negligence or carelessness by cyclists is hard to report, with identification of culprits impossible without licences. The law as it stands is practically unenforceable, and the minuscule fine unprohibitive.
The issue evidently has low priority.
Amy Loh (Ms)
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Alfrescian (Inf)
<TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%"><TBODY><TR>Sharing of footpaths: An accident waiting to happen
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<!-- START OF : div id="storytext"--><!-- more than 4 paragraphs -->I REFER to the ongoing trial of cyclists sharing footpaths with pedestrians in Tampines.
I have two children aged two and four and almost every time I use footpaths in Tampines, I encounter cyclists travelling at high speed.
When I use footpaths in other places, I do not see so many cyclists, from which I conclude that the trial promotes cycling and is a success.
However, when cyclists share a footpath with pedestrians, a situation is created where an accident is bound to occur.
Which parent can control his young children all the time? If a cyclist comes from behind me (often you cannot hear them coming) and my children are running around, an accident can easily occur.
The most sensible thing to do is to carry the children. The trial, while providing convenience for cyclists, inconveniences parents and creates a dangerous situation.
Let's be realistic: Accidents will happen, no matter the amount of graciousness, public education and safety consciousness by pedestrians.
I urge the Land Transport Authority and the Tampines grassroots organisation not to approve this project for the sake of the elderly and young children in Tampines.
We do not need a serious accident to happen before we realise this scheme is a mistake.
Kang Kim Liang


Too small for helicopter to see. Pls up their pay to buy top range binoculars, and up tax for them to fly to France to get instructed how to use them, and then hire scholars to use the binoculars.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Too small for helicopter to see. Pls up their pay to buy top range binoculars, and up tax for them to fly to France to get instructed how to use them, and then hire scholars to use the binoculars.

You forgot bring that binoculars to Shenadoh, West Virginia, near the blue ridge mountains, a small police prectint, who will teach them, what to look with the binoculars...:biggrin: spending your hard earn money...:rolleyes:

Devil Within

Alfrescian (Inf)
Best Paid gov can only see how fast they can grow their bank account and nothing else. You think they got time for other things?


big pay look for BIG thing!!!
your are gracious no use, becos FTrash do not know what is gracious. Therefore I always tell my foreign guests how to differential (kelling/PRC) the FTrash and Singaporean.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Best Paid gov can only see how fast they can grow their bank account and nothing else. You think they got time for other things?

Please add admiring their Central Provident Funds Accounts, that arrive by hand ( ha ha ha) every month, whereas, we lesser mortals get ours by post every half yearly or log in on-line...whichever!..members have their privilege?

U ?


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
<TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%"><TBODY><TR>Why footpath sharing is an insoluble problem
</TR><!-- headline one : end --><!-- show image if available --></TBODY></TABLE>

<!-- START OF : div id="storytext"--><!-- more than 4 paragraphs -->IT SEEMS to me, as a pedestrian and cyclist, that constant public grouses over several years about cyclists on footpaths are getting us nowhere.
Negligence or carelessness by cyclists is hard to report, with identification of culprits impossible without licences. The law as it stands is practically unenforceable, and the minuscule fine unprohibitive.
The issue evidently has low priority.
Amy Loh (Ms)
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hi there

1. thare are tons of stuffs that papayas are blind to.
2. well, sinkies are equally blind to accept such performance.
3. blame 66.6%


Alfrescian (Inf)
Too small for helicopter to see. Pls up their pay to buy top range binoculars, and up tax for them to fly to France to get instructed how to use them, and then hire scholars to use the binoculars.

More like anything goes to please the FTrash, even when Sporns kena killed in the process!


LTA let these farkers cycle around and jaywalker's paradise .

Instead fine vehicle drivers when anything goes wrong since they are richer !

Fuck the LTA !


LTA let these farkers cycle around and jaywalker's paradise .

Instead fine vehicle drivers when anything goes wrong since they are richer !

Fuck the LTA !

of course what, fine those vehicle driver becos they can paid, how to fine those poor cyclist who cannot paid......
LTA got brain one ok........:biggrin:


Haiya Makapaa

Give them a break lah. You think the PAP scholars' 10-year series got teach them meh?

Anything out of the box thinking is impossible for a PAP member.

<TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%"><TBODY><TR>Why footpath sharing is an insoluble problem
</TR><!-- headline one : end --><!-- show image if available --></TBODY></TABLE>

<!-- START OF : div id="storytext"--><!-- more than 4 paragraphs -->IT SEEMS to me, as a pedestrian and cyclist, that constant public grouses over several years about cyclists on footpaths are getting us nowhere.
Negligence or carelessness by cyclists is hard to report, with identification of culprits impossible without licences. The law as it stands is practically unenforceable, and the minuscule fine unprohibitive.
The issue evidently has low priority.
Amy Loh (Ms)
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