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Typical Aussies!


High Order Twit / Low SES subject

A Singaporean

What is the big deal?, The virus is not deadly according to the running dogs of the PAP. No mask required. Fuck PAP and their running dogs.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
What is the big deal?, The virus is not deadly according to the running dogs of the PAP. No mask required. Fuck PAP and their running dogs.

The disease certainly is very mild and that is not just according to the PAP it is from data that is being collected from around the world as we speak.

Face masks are not required because they don't do anything at all to stop the spread of the infection. In fact they make matters worse because the vast majority of mask wearers are not using and handling them properly and thus they increase their chances of catching the coronavirus rather than reducing it.

If I would go further than to just discourage mask use I would BAN the use of masks in order to keep the infection rate as low as possible. Only qualified medical professionals who have been formally trained regarding how to use a mask appropriately should be allowed to wear them.


Alfrescian (Inf)
social distancing for millennials is to stay miles away from boomers and oldies but hang around each other without sexual distancing.

A Singaporean

The disease certainly is very mild and that is not just according to the PAP it is from data that is being collected from around the world as we speak.

Face masks are not required because they don't do anything at all to stop the spread of the infection. In fact they make matters worse because the vast majority of mask wearers are not using and handling them properly and thus they increase their chances of catching the coronavirus rather than reducing it.

If I would go further than to just discourage mask use I would BAN the use of masks in order to keep the infection rate as low as possible. Only qualified medical professionals who have been formally trained regarding how to use a mask appropriately should be allowed to wear them.
Running dogs will say anything to please their PAP master including selling their mothers. Go virus go 加油。


The disease certainly is very mild and that is not just according to the PAP it is from data that is being collected from around the world as we speak.

Face masks are not required because they don't do anything at all to stop the spread of the infection. In fact they make matters worse because the vast majority of mask wearers are not using and handling them properly and thus they increase their chances of catching the coronavirus rather than reducing it.

If I would go further than to just discourage mask use I would BAN the use of masks in order to keep the infection rate as low as possible. Only qualified medical professionals who have been formally trained regarding how to use a mask appropriately should be allowed to wear them.
You don't have to kiss the PAP ass for so many years, you can stfu. They won't shut down your site, coward.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
You don't have to kiss the PAP ass for so many years, you can stfu. They won't shut down your site, coward.

Nothing to do with kissing PAP ass. All I'm doing is giving sound advice if you don't want to follow it you can stuff a mask up your butt to protect your rear end too.

Wearing a mask increases your risk of infection.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Nothing to do with kissing PAP ass. All I'm doing is giving sound advice if you don't want to follow it you can stuff a mask up your butt to protect your rear end too.

Wearing a mask increases your risk of infection.
hanor, using a mask at either end will confuse the fooking aussies as it'll look like any hole to them when inebriated - no matter how many times the fookee shouts oi, oi , oi :whistling:


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
The disease certainly is very mild and that is not just according to the PAP it is from data that is being collected from around the world as we speak.

Face masks are not required because they don't do anything at all to stop the spread of the infection. In fact they make matters worse because the vast majority of mask wearers are not using and handling them properly and thus they increase their chances of catching the coronavirus rather than reducing it.

If I would go further than to just discourage mask use I would BAN the use of masks in order to keep the infection rate as low as possible. Only qualified medical professionals who have been formally trained regarding how to use a mask appropriately should be allowed to wear them.

5000 dead in Italy and over 1000 dead in Spain is not mild, moron.


High Order Twit / Low SES subject
5000 dead in Italy and over 1000 dead in Spain is not mild, moron.

Of course it is you twit. 5000 is a tiny fraction of the Italian population and an even tinier fraction of the world population. The only reason why it's having an impact is because the deaths are all happening in a short space of time.

It's like a plane crash vs a car accident. One hits the news headlines while the other is commonplace despite that fact that more than a million die from auto accidents every year while plane crashes only kill a few hundred.

60 MILLION people die annually from a variety of causes but primarily from old age. Covid-19 may speed things up a bit in certain countries but it won't make a dent in the overall numbers.