It has come to pass that the 5 eye BE countries hv bias viewed of type of Asians migrating to their country....
Verily verily I say unto thee, there are rules of engagement with them on what their mindset think of you migrating to their 5 eye BE as if:
1. These Asians from the South East Asia, Middle East Asia and North China and West East Asia the Pinoy are taken for granted they are migrating for these reasons:
1a. Getting out of dictatorship government of their own country.
1b: leaving their own poor country and or war torn country.... beggar and bankrupt country..
1c: migrants are Not a talent or non educated people, cannot contribution to brain jobs but here to fill up jobs that their 鬼老子不要做... as if. Garbage truck drivers are earning $70K and are protected jobs only for own use...
Verily I say unto thou, these days Asians migrants come with:
1. Wealth and bricks and mortar transferrable assets of same values, transferrable commercials business of common ground essesbtial products can sell to the 5 eye white people.
2. Attained qualified and Highly skilled Talents, and IQ of same standing and qualities, with the white people.
Australia has implanted to their white people to send new migrants to remote bushes, or almost extinct bush towns, for 3 years. Survive or die yr own biz...
Go get fuck! These migrants come loaded with wealth, transferrable assets, funds, brains, talents and IQ, why shd they told to live in their self extinct bushland towns under yr shit migration swinger policy...
Already, they hv birth rate of 0.8 baby born: 1 couple and shd be a dead country today 2019.
The massive intake of migrations for these 20 years are using population growth to drive their economy. Thats it.
Verily verily I say unto thee, there are rules of engagement with them on what their mindset think of you migrating to their 5 eye BE as if:
1. These Asians from the South East Asia, Middle East Asia and North China and West East Asia the Pinoy are taken for granted they are migrating for these reasons:
1a. Getting out of dictatorship government of their own country.
1b: leaving their own poor country and or war torn country.... beggar and bankrupt country..
1c: migrants are Not a talent or non educated people, cannot contribution to brain jobs but here to fill up jobs that their 鬼老子不要做... as if. Garbage truck drivers are earning $70K and are protected jobs only for own use...
Verily I say unto thou, these days Asians migrants come with:
1. Wealth and bricks and mortar transferrable assets of same values, transferrable commercials business of common ground essesbtial products can sell to the 5 eye white people.
2. Attained qualified and Highly skilled Talents, and IQ of same standing and qualities, with the white people.
Australia has implanted to their white people to send new migrants to remote bushes, or almost extinct bush towns, for 3 years. Survive or die yr own biz...
Go get fuck! These migrants come loaded with wealth, transferrable assets, funds, brains, talents and IQ, why shd they told to live in their self extinct bushland towns under yr shit migration swinger policy...
Already, they hv birth rate of 0.8 baby born: 1 couple and shd be a dead country today 2019.
The massive intake of migrations for these 20 years are using population growth to drive their economy. Thats it.