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10 Sep 2014 - 1:57pm
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Background Story: Body of a man found in abandoned section of Pearls Centre Carpark
Two more Malaysians have been arrested in relation to the murder of 47 year old S Krisnan Value at Pearls Centre on Sunday.
The Police released a statement saying that the two men, aged 20 and 22 were caught in Malaysia by the Royal Malaysian Police who were acting on a warrant issued for their arrest. The two were extradited to Singapore on Tuesday and they will be charged in court on Thursday with murder with common intention.
The Singapore Police thanked the Malaysian Police for their cooperation and help in the case.
Earlier, two more Malaysians were also charged with murder in relation to the same case.
Police are continuing to investigate and build a case against the four suspects.
Related: Two Malaysians charged with murder in relation to body found in Pearl Centre Carpark
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10 Sep 2014 - 1:57pm
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Background Story: Body of a man found in abandoned section of Pearls Centre Carpark
Two more Malaysians have been arrested in relation to the murder of 47 year old S Krisnan Value at Pearls Centre on Sunday.
The Police released a statement saying that the two men, aged 20 and 22 were caught in Malaysia by the Royal Malaysian Police who were acting on a warrant issued for their arrest. The two were extradited to Singapore on Tuesday and they will be charged in court on Thursday with murder with common intention.
The Singapore Police thanked the Malaysian Police for their cooperation and help in the case.
Earlier, two more Malaysians were also charged with murder in relation to the same case.
Police are continuing to investigate and build a case against the four suspects.
Related: Two Malaysians charged with murder in relation to body found in Pearl Centre Carpark