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Two CECA Indians fought over a Pinay. Legha Pawan 21, charged after pushing 33yo Jasbir Singh into Singapore River (who drowned and mati)



Man arrested after 33-year-old man found dead in Singapore River​


The police received a call for assistance about a man who had fallen into the Singapore River on June 30 at 10.15pm. PHOTO:


Carmen Sin

JUL 01, 2024, 08:28 PM

SINGAPORE - A 21-year-old man was arrested on July 1 for his suspected involvement in the death of a 33-year-old man, whose body was retrieved from the Singapore River after a search the day before.

The suspect is expected to be charged with causing death by rash act on July 2, police said.
The police received a call for assistance about a man who had fallen into the Singapore River on June 30 at 10.15pm.

Divers from the Singapore Civil Defence Force’s Disaster Assistance and Rescue Team were dispatched to search the waters. They found the body of the older man, who was pronounced dead on the scene.

The suspect was identified by police officers through investigations and with the aid of police cameras and closed-circuit television images, police added.
If found guilty, he may be jailed for up to five years, fined, or both.

Investigations are ongoing.



Man arrested after 33-year-old man found dead in Singapore River​


The police received a call for assistance about a man who had fallen into the Singapore River on June 30 at 10.15pm. PHOTO:


Carmen Sin

JUL 01, 2024, 08:28 PM

SINGAPORE - A 21-year-old man was arrested on July 1 for his suspected involvement in the death of a 33-year-old man, whose body was retrieved from the Singapore River after a search the day before.

The suspect is expected to be charged with causing death by rash act on July 2, police said.
The police received a call for assistance about a man who had fallen into the Singapore River on June 30 at 10.15pm.

Divers from the Singapore Civil Defence Force’s Disaster Assistance and Rescue Team were dispatched to search the waters. They found the body of the older man, who was pronounced dead on the scene.

The suspect was identified by police officers through investigations and with the aid of police cameras and closed-circuit television images, police added.
If found guilty, he may be jailed for up to five years, fined, or both.

Investigations are ongoing.
LOL that leeporter got the CFM look.



Man charged with shoving another man, who fell into the Singapore River and drowned​


The incident is said to have taken place in front of the Clarke Quay Central shopping mall at around 10.15pm on June 30. PHOTO: LIANHE ZAOBAO READER

Shaffiq Alkhatib
Court Correspondent

JUL 02, 2024, 08:37 PM

SINGAPORE - A 21-year-old man is accused of shoving another man near the waters of the Singapore River, allegedly causing the latter to stumble backwards, hit his head on some steps, fall into the river and drown.

The incident is said to have taken place in front of the Clarke Quay Central shopping mall at around 10.15pm on June 30.

On July 2, Legha Pawan was charged with causing the death of Mr Jasbir Singh, 33, by performing a rash act.

Court documents did not disclose what transpired between the two before the older man fell into the river.

In a statement on July 1, police said that officers received a call about the incident on June 30.

Divers from the Singapore Civil Defence Force’s Disaster Assistance and Rescue Team were dispatched to search the waters.

They found Mr Singh, who was pronounced dead on the scene.

The police identified Legha, an Indian national, after investigations and arrested him on July 1.

He is remanded at the Central Police Division and the case has been adjourned to July 9.

For causing another person’s death by performing a rash act, an offender can be jailed for up to five years and fined.


Do u think there is a possibility that during the fight, huge dose of adrenaline rush + previously vaxxed could have caused the 33 years old to suffer a heart attack that incapacitate his ability to swim thus lead to his demise? If this is true, the 21 years old now became the scapegoat for meh meh pak.... after 2020, best to just say sorry and walk away.... u don't want to be a scapegoat for a certain company that was sued 2.3 Bil for fraud settlement.
  • Haha
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