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Turkey 'Is One Of The World's New Superpowers,' Will Rise In Post-Coronavirus Era


n his March 27, 2020 column, titled "Time Has Stopped, History Is Being Reset... West's Political System, Financial System, Security Theories Have All Collapsed. New Political Orders Will Be Established. New Superpowers Will Emerge. Nations Controlling The World May Collapse. East May Become West, West May Become East. New Nations May Take To The Stage. We're Starting Everything From Scratch..." in Turkey's Yeni Şafak daily, which is a mouthpiece of Turkey's ruling AKP,[1] the paper's editor-in-chief İbrahim Karagül described what he saw as the collapse of the West and the rise of countries, including Turkey, after the global spread of the Coronavirus.

On the West, Karagül wrote: "It seems that everything produced and imposed to the world by the West in the form of a global discourse and order is coming to an end. The West has already lost its 'central' power... The West's financial system is collapsing. Its political system and discourse are collapsing. Its security theories are collapsing. Its social theories are collapsing. Humanity no longer has any expectation of them." Regarding the rise of Turkey, he wrote: "Turkey is one of the world's new superpowers... If there are going to be any countries to rise post-corona – and there will be – Turkey is going to be one of them."


Yeni Şafak editor-in-chief İbrahim Karagül (source: Yenisafak.com).

Following are excerpts from
Yeni Şafak's translation of Karagül's column. To facilitate readability, the excerpts are not in the order in which they originally appeared:

"Time Has Stopped, History Has Been Reset – We Are Going To Start Everything From Scratch"

"We are going to look toward the future. We are going to establish the future. We are going to start over.

"Of course, we are going to learn from the past, from human history, but we are going to look toward the future. We are going to walk towards the future. We are going to predict societies, state perception, production and consumption models, needs, beliefs and values, life models, personal tendencies and interests of the future. We are going to prepare accordingly and build the future.

"Those who do this, those who emerge stronger following the breaking point, those who open the doors of the future are going to take to the stage as superpowers. The others will be left out in the cold. Yes, time has stopped, history has been reset. We are going to start everything from scratch..."

"Turkey Is One Of The World's New Superpowers... If There Are Going To Be Any Countries To Rise Post-Corona – And There Will Be – Turkey Is Going To Be One Of Them"

"Turkey is one of the world's new superpowers.

"We must note that as of now, Turkey is conducting more successful coordination, a more effective fight than most of the world's central powers. The state, central power, leadership, institutions, public formations, and citizens are handling matters in great harmony. If there are going to be any countries to rise post-corona – and there will be – Turkey is going to be one of them.

"The coronavirus epidemic will be overcome. Even if new epidemics follow, they too will be overcome. However, the establishment of a new world cannot be postponed..."

"Everything Produced And Imposed To The World By The West In The Form Of A Global Discourse And Order Is Coming To An End"

"It seems that everything produced and imposed to the world by the West in the form of a global discourse and order is coming to an end. The West has already lost its 'central' power. The standards of value may change radically. Crazy ideologies may emerge. The notion of power could be redefined. West's financial system, political system, security theories collapsed. New political orders will be established. New superpowers will emerge. The West's financial system is collapsing. Its political system and discourse are collapsing. Its security theories are collapsing. Its social theories are collapsing. Humanity no longer has any expectation of them.

"Centuries-old history has ended. History has turned over a new leaf. A new world is being established. As a matter of fact, this is nothing like the post-world war periods. It looks like a much more solid, much more radical change.

"New political orders will be established. New economic models will be developed. New lines of businesses, new consumption habits will begin. New political movements, new live models will develop. New superpowers will emerge. New discourses and models will develop with respect to the management of resources, markets and masses..."

"The Nations Controlling The World May Collapse While New Ones May Take To The Stage"

"After geographical discoveries, this is the first time, ever since the start of colonialism that the world is undergoing such a power shift, power void, power consumption. Countries may change places. Nations may change places. Massive population movements are likely. Countries with weak power domains, weak state coordination may collapse.

"The West may become the East and the East may become the West. The North may transform into the South and the South into the North. The nations controlling the world may collapse while new ones may take to the stage. The perceptions of state and homeland may change. Political language and forms of political organization may change."

syed putra

Turks, Persian and Arabs have potential to be superpowers. Why you think US and UK meddle in this area so much. It's to prevent them from becoming one.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Mad ramblings from the laughable rump state of the former Ottoman Empire.

Turkey should be broken up, Istanbul renamed to Constatinople, Haga Sophia reverted to a church.


Turks, Persian and Arabs have potential to be superpowers. Why you think US and UK meddle in this area so much. It's to prevent them from becoming one.
Mudslime cuntries have no democracy freedom or rights. When not busy trying to fix Israel, the regimes torture political opponents. Pls don’t excuse the other totalitarian superpowers Russia and China.
All super duper powers use Muddle East to fight their proxy wars, at the expense of the good people of this region