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Turkey Imam vows that Turkish flag will fly over Jerusalem. MUIS still prefers to seek guidance from PAP


Funny that the Turks say that as turkey is Israel's ally since the beginning...n the arab world does not view Turkey favourably cos Turks not Arabs

syed putra

Funny that the Turks say that as turkey is Israel's ally since the beginning...n the arab world does not view Turkey favourably cos Turks not Arabs
Turks ruled over Arab land, current Israel and Jerusalem for 800 years if you count mamluks, which are turkic slave soldiers who decided by on overthrow their Arab masters. It's time they take over and instill peace over entire middle East as honest broker.


Alfrescian (Inf)
MUIS has been muzzled by the PAP regime, but let there be no doubt where their loyalty and affiliation lies. :wink:

And similar to the situation with convent schoolgirls and sexual debauchery, the more you try to repress/suppress something, the greater the 'vengeance' will be. :cool:

syed putra

MUIS has been muzzled by the PAP regime, but let there be no doubt where their loyalty and affiliation lies. :wink:

And similar to the situation with convent schoolgirls and sexual debauchery, the more you try to repress/suppress something, the greater the 'vengeance' will be. :cool:
Muis want um no to rule the island. Only umno can Protect malays from Israel style land seizure and ethnic cleansing.