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Turkey changes its name to Türkiye to stop confusion with festive bird and derogatory English meanings including 'something that fails badly'



Turkey changes its name to Türkiye to stop confusion with festive bird and derogatory English meanings including 'something that fails badly'​

Turkey will now officially be known as Türkiye after the country's government moved to swerve associations with the ground-feeding festive bird and a term for failure.

The United Nations will adopt the new name from this week at Ankara's request.

UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric said the change came into place 'from the moment' a letter sent by Turkish foreign minister Mevlut Cavusoglu.

President Erdogan ruled in November that goods manufactured in the country must now be labelled 'Made in Türkiye'.

The alternative spelling expresses Turkish people's 'culture, civilisation and values', he said.

Türkiye is pronounced Tur-key-yay, in line with how Turks annunciate the country's name.

The president and his advisers are said to be embarrassed by their country's association with the festive bird and the slang term for 'something that fails'.

'The association with the bird genuinely annoys Erdogan and the people around him', according to Selim Koru from the Foreign Policy Research Institute.

The Cambridge English Dictionary lists 'turkey' to describe not only the ground-feeding bird but also 'something that fails badly' and 'a stupid or silly person'.

Critics have accused Erdogan of using the plot to distract Turks from economic hardship.

Ankara is also launching a new military offensive in Syria at the same time as it is blocking Finland and Sweden's bids to join NATO.

Contrary to popular belief, the country actually gave its name to the bird.

Ground-feeding cocks and hens were exported by the Ottoman Empire during the Middle Ages.

That led English-speakers to refer to the birds as Turkeys as they were from 'the land of the Turks'.

Turkey has been known by its current name since around 750AD.


syed putra

Why don't they call themselves the Ottoman Empire? More atas
Actually its Uthman. But europeans have difficulty pronoucing it.
Turks believe they are inheritors of the roman Byzantine empire. Unfortunately it crumbled after WWI.
Parts of ukraine used to be under turkish rule.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Silly county trying to be special again.

The countries in that region love to willy-nilly change names of cities. For example, the capital of Kazakhstan. The capital of Turkmenistan.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Why don't they call themselves the Ottoman Empire? More atas
Calling themselves Ultraman Empire largi more garang.



Alfrescian (Inf)
Three strikes in a row = turkey, correct?

Apparently those Turk snowflakes aren't fans of bowling. :rolleyes:


Silly county trying to be special again.

The countries in that region love to willy-nilly change names of cities. For example, the capital of Kazakhstan. The capital of Turkmenistan.

Like Temasek changing name to stinkypura?


That led English-speakers to refer to the birds as Turkeys as they were from 'the land of the Turks'.

Turkey has been known by its current name since around 750AD.


after propaganda against russkies, now propaganda against turkiye ratcheted up.

is it sign of impending collapse of anglo yankee jewish dictated world order ? that they are losing their cool and willy nilly attacking their allies partners and enemies alike whether militarily or politically or thru propaganda.

btw in turkish language, it's called "Hindi".

so its ceca virus that is named after the bird/fowl in question.


these slanty inbred retards have to be some extra ordinary morons to believe english is the only language in the world.

absolute moronic fucktards