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Tun Dr M to UMNO - CORRUPTION is enemy NOT Opposition!



MB vs MB: 2 written judgments available
Hafiz Yatim | Jun 27, 09 8:12am
* Two of the three Court of Appeal’s written judgments on who is the rightful Perak MB were released yesterday while the final one will only be ready on Monday.MORE
Sultan can determine majority
Not need for sultan to sack MB

Dr M's first Umno function in 'six years'
Andrew Ong | Jun 27, 09 5:33pm

* mahathir mohamad 180108After six years of unofficial banishment from Umno, the former strongman is back with this message - the party’s No 1 enemy is not the opposition, but corruption.MORE
Najib wants to clean up Umno
'Unity gov't not the answer'