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Tun Dr. M is fixing the king, should abolish monachy and make himself the President of Repulic Boleh




Mahathir says 'we are holding on to our principles', after A-G candidate is rejected by the King
PHOTO: The Star/Asia News Network
The Star/Asia News Network
Jun 04, 2018
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ALOR SETAR - The Government will stick to its nomination of lawyer Tommy Thomas for Attorney General (AG), despite the Palace having reservations about the choice.

Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said the Government is handling the matter based on the law and Federal Constitution while the King acts on advice from the Government.

“We are holding onto our principles,” said Dr Mahathir, adding that efforts are ongoing to resolve the issue.

He denied that Thomas was a secular supporter and found nothing wrong with Thomas being close to Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng and having represented Lim, then Penang chief minister, in the bungalow fiasco which was under investigation by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission.

“There is no such thing,” said Dr Mahathir when asked if Thomas’ rejection was because the latter was a secular supporter.

“Lim is in the Government and now the Finance Minister, why can’t this person (Thomas) be friendly with Lim?

“He is a lawyer for everybody, even for Barisan Nasional. Lawyers take cases that bring them income,” added Dr Mahathir, who is Pakatan Harapan chairman, during a press conference after meeting with Kedah Pakatan Harapan leaders at Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Mukhriz Mahathir’s official residence in Sri Mentaloon here yesterday.

The Malay Rulers will meet tomorrow to deliberate on the appointment of the new AG.

In a related development, constitutional experts said the Constitution allows for the appointment of a non-Muslim as Attorney General on the advice of the Prime Minister, with Yang di-Pertuan Agong Sultan Muhammad V having no say in it.

“The only criterion is that the person must be someone who is qualified to be a Federal Court judge, but this does not mean he has to be a Federal Court judge.

“And Thomas certainly qualifies to be a Federal Court judge,” constitutional lawyer Syahredzan Johan told The Star.

Sharing ideas: Dr Mahathir accompanied by Kedah Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Mukhriz Mahathir (third from left) sharing a light moment with six other Pakatan Harapan leaders before chairing a closed-door meeting with them at the Kedah MB official residence in Alor Setar.

Under Article 123 of the Federal Constitution, he said the candidate for AG must have at least 10 years of legal practice or has served the judicial and legal service for at least 10 years before the appointment.

Thomas is one of Malaysia’s leading litigation lawyers, with over 40 years’ experience as counsel in landmark cases in all courts in Malaysia including the Privy Council in London.


Photo: The Star/Asia News Network
Syahredzan said the matter of race and religion should not be turned into an issue.

“The Constitution is silent on race and religion and it should not be an issue at all,” he said.

“It is clearly stated the appointment of the AG is on the advice of the Prime Minister and the King does not have any discretion to depart from this advice.”

He said the King also does not have the discretion to reject the person chosen or even demand for a list of names for his consideration.

International Islamic University Malaysia law lecturer and constitutional expert Assoc Prof Dr Shamrahayu Abdul Aziz said the King is bound by Article 145 of the Constitution when it comes to the appointment of the AG.

“The Constitution clearly states that the King shall, on the advice of the Prime Minister, appoint a person who is qualified to be a judge of the Federal Court, to be the Attorney General for the Federation.

“Constitutionally speaking, it means the King shall act on the advice of the Prime Minister,” she said.

However, she said that the King may ask for additional information before making the appointment.

Dr Shamrahayu said the Constitution does not fix the race, gender or religion of an individual for the appointment as AG.

“In the early formation of the country, we had non-Malay and non-Muslim AGs between 1955 and 1963 as well as a female AG.

“There is no restriction on race, gender or religion when it comes to this matter,” she added.

Tun M: We are finding solutions over AG issue [Full PC]

Senior lawyer Datuk Roger Tan said the King must adhere to the will of the people which is represented by the Prime Minister of the day.

“Thomas is obviously qualified to be a Federal Court judge within the meaning of Article 123 of the Constitution, in that Thomas is a citizen and has been a legal practitioner for more than 40 years.

“Article 123 provides the minimum qualification at 10 years’ standing as a legal practitioner,” he said.

He pointed out that there is no requirement under Article 145 for the King to consult the Conference of Rulers on the appointment.

Meanwhile, former senior government minister Tan Sri Rais Yatim tweeted that the King has limited exceptions under the Constitution.

“Let the PM get on with the job with his Cabinet.

“There is nothing wrong with Tommy Thomas as AG. Stop this bickering when there is no legal ground to bicker,” said Rais.

On May 14, Dr Mahathir announced that Tan Sri Mohamed Apandi Ali was told to go on leave and would be temporarily replaced by Solicitor-General Datuk Engku Nor Faizah Engku Atek.

The Star in its front-page story reported that a proposal by Dr Mahathir to appoint Thomas as the AG had sparked a major disagreement with the King.

Essentially, Dr Mahathir is adamant about replacing Apandi, submitting only Thomas’ name to Sultan Muhammad V.

However, the King insisted on more than one name, according to sources close to the royalty.

Shut Up you are Not MM

BN dare to KPKB about Anwar? Who does not know BN abused public properties to World Records? CB!


Not yet in govt, Anwar defends use of official jet, DPM house

Julia Chan
Malay Mail4 June 2018

De facto PKR leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim does not currently hold any position in government was forced to clarify his use of public assets. — Picture by Shafwan Zaidon
KOTA KINABALU, June 4 — Amid allegations of power abuse, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim asserted today that he has not done anything wrong by flying in a government plane and staying in the official residence reserved for the deputy prime minister who is his wife.

The de facto PKR leader who has practically been anointed the next prime minister but does not currently hold any position in government was forced to clarify his use of public assets.

“As a normal citizen I don’t have the right to use it, so I won’t. But the DPM was on an official trip. Should I go in a car and arrive next day? And come back in a car and arrive the next day? We considered it,” he said during a video interview broadcast “live” on the Facebook page of INVOKE Malaysia.

He denied the allegations of power abuse, saying he only used the government jet as he was escorting his wife and Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail during her recent official trip to Kota Baru, Kelantan

Anwar said it was ok for the public to criticise the move but they must also be able to accept his explanation.

“I did not use the official jet without the deputy prime minister. I used a Firefly flight to Penang and use a private plane to see the Sultan of Johor. It was not for personal reasons,” he said.

Anwar was asked to comment on recent controversies of him using a government jet to meet the Kelantan royal family in Kota Baru and also on the use of the deputy prime minister’s official residence in Sri Satria, Putrajaya, for a PKR meeting.

Anwar denied wrongdoing on both events.

“The purpose of the meeting at the house was to meet the MPs and ADUNs and tell them what they need to do. To me, that is not abuse of power. But that’s what I think, I think we should explain it and go ahead and do it.

“Nurul Izzah said she did not want it to become an issue so we moved it. But I do not feel strongly about it. Sometimes it’s for practical reasons.

“Before, the PM had to meet foreign visitors at 4pm and then have the supreme council meeting at 4.30pm. Back then it was Umno. To me, doesn’t make sense to get in car and go all the way somewhere else. To me, that’s not wrongdoing but still, we need to be careful because it can lead to other things,” he said.

Anwar said it that the positive side is that Malaysians were now more critical of their leaders and in turn, leaders needed to be more accountable.

“But do not let it stop you from doing your job. What you should be careful of is taking money, abuse of power, taking contracts without tender, make cronies rich. This is what we should be careful of,” he said.

Shut Up you are Not MM

Dr M must give Anwar a sarcastic title to Suan LKY that is appointing Anwar to be DPM Mentor because Anwar was the old DPM when Dr. M was PM, call him MM Anwar!