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Trump > Karmala

syed putra

Like u said. Democrats are sitting out this time. They will not vote. Their elite leaders have sidelined the grassroots.


Trump or Harris, America is screwed. One is a serial philanderer and convicted felon who always promises more than he delivers, the other is an alcoholic with a dubious track record and a demonic laugh. Either party will have little effect on the people's lives because the power elite, political lobbies and big corporations are calling the shots in determining policies and the bills that get passed in Congress. Both the wealth inequality and sovereign debt are the biggest in history even if the nation is richer than ever before, with a record number of billionaires per capita.

Time for the US to revamp the entire electoral system: get rid of electoral colleges, allow direct voting, ban political lobbying which is simply legalised bribery, restrict campaign financing, and let independents run. Then maybe America will become great again. Otherwise China will have the US for dinner.