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Trump campaign legal team holds conference




UPDATE from Sidney Powell:
"Trump votes were programmed to switch to Biden ahead of time, but Trumps votes were so high, it didn't work right because they didn't set their algorithms high enough"
This is why they stopped counting!
Basically, the Dems overplayed their hand and got caught.

Trump is very very impressive. Nobody think he will be president 4 years ago and now he is being elected and even brust the algorithms of fraud due to too much Trump votes. How can you beat that?????!!!!!!



It is thrilling to hear @SidneyPowell clearly describing her position on the frontlines of the battle against the globalist cabal. The "trillions of dollars" of corrupt money at stake, the criminal interests who control Big Social Media - everything! Her small team now stands between freedom and the darkest force of evil ever known. [They] are the architects of communism and liberalism, and enemies of all we hold dear. What a time to be alive.