王永庆,1916年1月18日出生于台湾省台北市,原籍福建省安溪县。王永庆是台湾著名的企业家,父亲王长庚。王永庆15岁辍学做学徒工,16岁时用父亲所借的200元自己开办了一家米店,靠用心和勤奋努力站稳了脚跟,之后又经营过碾米厂、砖瓦厂、木材行、生产PVC塑胶粉等等,并在1954年筹资创办了台塑公司。被誉为“经营之神”。50年后的台塑集团已经是台湾最大的民营企业集团,下辖台湾塑胶公司等9家公司,员工7万多人,资产总额1.5万亿新台币,形成了名副其实的庞大“王国”。1985年与其弟王永在捐出一亿元给政府。 》》生平介绍
台塑“国王”王永庆病逝 投资大陆曾是一生心愿
台塑集团在大陆的总投资额度已经超过数十亿,其投资的行业不仅包括石化行业,还包括医疗等公益性行业。3个月前,王永庆还曾赶到厦门,为其投资的厦门长庚医院剪彩。对于厦门长庚医院,王永庆的期许是“建成国际一流的医疗基地”。 》》》全文
vs Scholar PM million dollar salary, saying future of Singapore uncertain!
Singapore PM sees slower growth, uncertainty next yr
Reuters - Saturday, October 18
SINGAPORE, Oct 17 - Singapore's Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said on Friday the city-state had fallen into recession and that the economic outlook over the next 12 months was uncertain.
"The current global financial turmoil has clouded Singapore's economic outlook. Our economy has gone into recession," Lee said at the opening of a research and development facility.
"We must expect slower growth and greater uncertainty at least over the next year."
Singapore last week eased monetary policy for the first time in five years after advance data showed its trade-reliant economy contracted for a second consecutive quarter in the July-September period.
The city-state's economy shrank an annualised, seasonally adjusted 6.3 percent in the third quarter, after declining 5.7 percent in the preceding quarter.
The Southeast Asian nation last sank into a recession -- defined as two consecutive quarters of economic contractions -- in 2002 in a global downturn after the Sept. 11, 2001 attack.
We learn from the no school @ 15 year old entrepreneur, not LKY son scholar million $ dummy PM.
□ 第一堂课:刨根问底,也就是面对问题一定要追究到水落石出,否则绝不罢休。
□ 第二堂课:务本精神,凡事只求根本,不问结果;事事追求点点滴滴的合理化。
□ 第三堂课:瘦鹅理论,这是王永庆时常提及的人生奋斗理念,说的是学习瘦鹅忍饥挨饿,用刻苦耐劳的精神面对困境,并以坚毅态度等待机会到来。
□ 第四堂课:基层做起,必须脚踏实地、按部就班、从基层做起,还必须全力以赴。
□ 第五堂课:实力主义,学历不等于实力,实务经验愈丰富,成功机会就愈大。
□ 第六堂课:切身感,企业管理制度若能让员工产生切身感,他们的潜能才可发挥到十成。
□ 第七堂课:价廉物美,只有建立在价廉物美的基础上,企业才能够蓬勃发展。
□ 第八堂课:客户至上,懂得维护客户的利益,才能取得自己的最大利益。