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Tray Return Make Food Centres Dirtier, Ministers Should Go There Wayang!


Thanks to the PAP’s tray return rule, our hawker centres and food courts are becoming even dirtier. They anyhow introduce new rule so they can reduce manpower. Now there are not enough cleaners to clear the trays or clean tables.

The situation was so bad at Jurong Point kopitiam. Shouldn’t the tray return rule make the place cleaner? Looks like it’s a BIG failure!



Alfrescian (Inf)
Totalitarian nanny states always make the worst decisions. This is the 'ownself check ownself' phenomenon.

And if you are a typical materialistic Sinkie who thinks these are just trivial cultural or societal things, or are good trade-offs for your beloved 'political and economic stability'... well, those bad decisions also apply for economic things too. Enjoy the shitshow. :cool:


Amy Khor must be stripped and hung naked from the ceiling and have her lao cheebye flog hard.



Alfrescian (Inf)
It's good for hawker centres to be a bit dirty and messy. An authentic dining experience. This is the real UNESCO hawker culture. :thumbsup:



Thanks to the PAP’s tray return rule, our hawker centres and food courts are becoming even dirtier. They anyhow introduce new rule so they can reduce manpower. Now there are not enough cleaners to clear the trays or clean tables.

The situation was so bad at Jurong Point kopitiam. Shouldn’t the tray return rule make the place cleaner? Looks like it’s a BIG failure!

You comply to vaccine, you die. you comply to return tray, you become dirtier. Compliance isn't healthy. I will not eat at places that do tray return, i think it is pretty stupid.