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Transcript of new AWARE exco's interview last night at RTC



Good evening, members of the media. We apologise for this late notice in calling this briefing but I appreciate everybody’s attendance. And we call this meeting in haste because we feel that we shud not delay any more in disclosing something very serious to the public about Aware.

In tonight’s briefing we will talk about exco experience with Old Guard, what is Aware today, what does this exco aim to do and interactions with the media. Before we move forward, I’d like to introduce the members at this table: Josie Lau, our president. She does not need further introduction. To her right is Maureen Ong, who’s the honorary treasurer. To my right is Jenica Chua. She’s the honorary secretary. And at the right of the table is Dr Thio Su Mien. Dr Thio is a supporter of families. So I’d like to start right now by our President addressing exco’s experience with the Old Guard for the last 3 and a half weeks.

Josie Lau:

Friends of the media, thank you for coming at such late last minute notice. I had said in my first & last interview after being appointed as President of Aware that I did not get involved in Aware to be engaged in controversies. And so far I’ve kept a very stoic and dignified silence. But with the recent happenings of events, I’ve no choice, it left me no choice to break this silence and come out publicly to say what’s been happening.

This is actually something that could have been resolved internally btwn the Old Guard & the New Guard in a very polite and civil way. But that has not happened. I’ll tell you so far I’ve only been appointed President for about a week & I’ve only been an exco member for about 3 weeks. But to date I’ve only been met with hostility, intimidation.

I felt so bullied I tell you. I will tell you what’s happening. My family received death threats and it’s now a police case. Each day I fear for the physical safety of my children, my family. There’s even a blog site detailing my children’s names and which school they go to. I don’t understand what has sparked this irrational fear of us, the new exco members, and what hatred. If you’re a parent you will understand how I feel.

Read rest of article here:



But to date I’ve only been met with hostility, intimidation.

I felt so bullied I tell you. I will tell you what’s happening. My family received death threats and it’s now a police case. Each day I fear for the physical safety of my children, my family. There’s even a blog site detailing my children’s names and which school they go to. I don’t understand what has sparked this irrational fear of us, the new exco members, and what hatred. If you’re a parent you will understand how I feel.

She can offer her resignation if she is worried about her family's safety. I am sure anyone will understand and there can be another round of voting. Seriously, why not do another round of voting to clear all misunderstanding?


She can offer her resignation if she is worried about her family's safety. I am sure anyone will understand and there can be another round of voting. Seriously, why not do another round of voting to clear all misunderstanding?
If cannot take the heat, get out of the kitchen.


Why must ass-fucking homosexual fagots target their family? All these lesbians and gays; and their insane sympathizers should be shot, revived and then shot again.

All you support these sickening and petty old guards who ask their supporters to target the innocence?


I hope that the police will investigate and punish the culprits.

Threats against women and children are not to be taken lightly.


Dear Kaowki

The threats are nothing short of ridiculous and highly suspect as to the source. For example " masculine gay" and "jihadist sleeper cell' in the same threatening letter. The only thing the writer left out to make the threat more lurid was that he was also a member of a NEO NAZI right wing group and might I add a member of Cobra and Spectre.



Dear Locke,

I do not know the exact situation. But their description of the threats sounded very vivid in their minds. Moreover to threaten their children and post details of the schools they attended is a despicable act.

To seek to ruin another's business and yet a third's job indicates a type of people there are in this world.
