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Tragedy as young Aussie dad suddenly dies while on a work trip - leaving behind three children



Tragedy as young Aussie dad suddenly dies while on a work trip - leaving behind three children​

By Steve Williams For Daily Mail Australia08:34 06 Jun 2024, updated 00:41 07 Jun 2024


A community is mourning the loss of a father-of-three who died on a work trip to New Zealand.

Jake McCoy, 34, travelled from his home in from Warragul, 102km south-east of Melbourne, to New Zealand on Friday for a work conference.

After returning to his hotel, Mr McCoy began to feel unwell and died soon after.

The cause of death has not been revealed.



Sudden death rocks Warragul family

Jun 12 2024
Updated June 13, 2024

A fundraising appeal has been launched after the sudden death of a Warragul father of three.
Jake McCoy, 34, died on Friday, May 31, leaving behind his wife Morgan, 29, and three children, the youngest just nine-weeks-old.
Morgan's best friend Zoe Elsbury said Jake flew to a work conference in New Zealand, and began to feel unwell after reaching his hotel. He died shortly after.
The couple moved to Warragul in 2020 and had three young children, six-year-old Maddison, four-year-old Oliver and nine-week-old Ashton.
"Jake will leave an enormous hole in so many of our lives, but leaving his young family behind is unimaginable and quite hard to comprehend," Ms Elsbury said.
With Morgan still on maternity leave, Ms Elsbury launched a fundraising appeal which has already raised more than $21,000 to assist the family.
Having previously lived in Clyde North, the couple first moved to Drouin before building a home in Warragul.
Ms Elsbury said the couple have a tight group of friends and Jake was known to occasionally have a few rounds of golf at Warragul and enjoy a beer at his favourite spot Newmasons.
Jake, who worked with travel company TAG, was an avid Western Bulldogs supporter and known as a "super dad."
Keeran, a friend from Warragul, described him as a genuinely great friend, amazing dad and perfect hubby.
"The guy would even randomly pop over with a home cooked roast chook and meals on the fly," Keeran said. "He knew food was always the way to my heart."
Other friends remembered him for organising catch-ups to play golf, poker or Catan, being a keen lawn enthusiast, an all-round sports lover and liking the idea of DIY projects.
Jake's funeral will be held at Nielsen Funeral Chapel in Warragul on Friday at 10am.
To support the fundraising appeal, visit gofundme.com and search for "Support the McCoy family".