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Top politician caught in sex video


Zuo Ci


Top politician caught in sex video

Published Mar 21 2011

Video footages showing a man, resembling a top opposition leader having sex with a woman, said to be a foreign prostitute, have emerged.

The black and white 30-minute video clip, which showed the supposedly high profile Member of Parliament engaged in various compromising positions, is set to rock the Malaysian political scene.

The video recorded on Feb 21 was found in a hotel room in Kuala Lumpur. The video was obviously recorded with high-quality equipment as the images were very clear and sharp.

The face of the top politician could be clearly identified in the video. From her features, the woman appeared to be East Asian.

Senior members of the media, were taken in batches to a room in the luxurious Carcosa Seri Negara individually to view the footages by a group of unknown people led by a man who only wanted to be identified as Datuk T.

Before the screening, the journalists were told to surrender their wallets, mobile phones, cameras, notebooks, pens and also made to wear robes over their clothes before they were allowed into the room.

Datuk T said the politician and his wife must step down from politics within a week if they do not want to see the video being distributed to the public.

He said the video showed that the politician was not the pious person with high moral value and integrity as portrayed by him and was not fit to be a leader.

Datuk T who claimed to be "an insider", claimed that he was asked by the politician to search for his missing Omega watch in the room, where the sex act had taken place.

He said he had searched for the watch but could not find it on the table.

"I looked for it behind the dresser. I was shocked to find many strands of wires behind. Upon close inspection, I found four well-hidden CCTV cameras."


"I tried to open the two dresser drawers and found that one was locked. I prised open the locked drawer and found an active CCTC recorder."

"I disconnected the wiring and took the recorder out of the hotel," Datuk T said, adding that no one had the recording except him.

Journalists who saw the video confirmed that the person in it looks like the top opposition politician.

Part of the video showed the man receiving oral sex from the woman before having sex with her in a variety of positions.

The video also showed the man going to the bathroom and the woman wiping her self with tissue paper and later going through the man's belongings. It showed that she took the watch.

Datuk T showed journalists the watch which he claimed was retrieved by his group, whose members he refused to identify.

Meanwhile, with text messages and emails about the video spreading like wildfire, Pakatan Rakyat (PR) leaders denied that the man in a sex video that emerged today is Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

"This is a doctored video of Anwar," Malaysian Insider quoted PKR communications director Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad.

"It is not Datuk Seri Anwar. This is another attempt by Barisan Nasional to give the public a perception of him as being an immoral person that is incapable of leading the nation," PAS political bureau member Khalid Samad said.

"PKR vice-president Chua Tian Chang also claimed that Barisan Nasional (BN) has become desperate, "shifting from major issues such as elections and policies to personal attacks."



Re: Made in Malaysia movies

Made in Malaysia movies


































Raja Petra Kamarudin

Okay, before we can consider your application for the government grant, we need you to tell us a bit more about the movie you are going to make.

What do you need to know?

You can start with the synopsis.

Okay, the story is about the twists and turns and conspiracies within the corridors of power.

That sounds interesting.

The prime minister of this country…

Which country?

It is a fictitious country. It doesn’t really exist.

Okay. What are you going to call this country?

I have not decided yet. But maybe we can call it Canland...like Finland, Iceland, and so on.

Okay, go on.

Canland has this prime minister who had been pushed out almost ten years ago and now he wants his son to take over as the new prime minister. But he has to first make him the deputy prime minister.

Great plot.

So he has to push out the existing prime minister and make the deputy prime minister the new prime minister. Then the deputy prime minister who becomes the new prime minister makes the old prime minister’s son the new deputy prime minister.

Have you thought of their names yet?

Not yet but all their names are going to start with M. The old prime minister, his son, and the deputy prime minister will all have names starting with M.

Clever. Okay, go on.

The old prime minister gets his crony who he saved from a sex with an underage scandal many years ago to release a controversial sex video involving the opposition leader. They also get a good friend of the opposition leader who is trying to get his hands on RM20 million to assist them.

This is getting very spicy indeed.

The video is very badly done and no one believes it because it was handled in a very amateurish manner. It was so badly handled it appears like it is the work of schoolboys. Actually, they purposely wanted the video to look bad so that no one believes it. But then they link the whole thing back to the prime minister so that he receives the brunt of the people’s anger. That triggers his downfall.

I like your mind. Then what happens?

Well, a month later it is proven that the video is not a fake but they don’t quite prove that it is a video of the opposition leader. The prime minister who is blamed for the video gets kicked out. The deputy prime minister takes over and the son of the old prime minister becomes the new deputy prime minister.

And they all live happily ever after I suppose. Is that how it ends?

Not quite. I will end the movie by keeping the audience in suspense. We don’t really answer the question of whether it is the video of the opposition leader or not although we do indicate that it is not a fake.


So that I can do a sequel of the movie, of course! Then, in the second movie, we will tell the people whether it is a video of the opposition leader or not. The sequel will be about Canland going bankrupt and the country erupting into a religious war with the government vandalising Bibles and launching ethnic cleansing of all non-natives and so on.

Okay, that sounds good. Can you submit your official application with a copy of the synopsis you just told us? But increase your budget by 50% though.

50%? Why?

Well, that 50% goes to me. It is my commission for helping you get the grant.

I see. Okay. I will submit it within a week.
