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Tonight I cook FISH CURRY.


India or Bangla style ?
don't know what style is this one... :laugh:



knn, never invite me still dare to post photo?!:frown: Nevermind I go zichar stall and order.:cautious::biggrin:
big piece thick snapper tail from Sheng siong 23 bucks. Use only half so it's $11.50. Plus paste (I think) about $2.50. Taupok, Onion, Tomato, long beans all left overs in the fridge (say $2?)... Total damage $16....plus a packet of Japanese instant price bought from Donki $1.60 to share with housemate... so it's $17.60 for dinner (for 2 persons)...


Yesterday at a hotel in Taipei I met a Bangla who is now an Australian.

If I believe him, he now has 4 villas in Melbourne.

But why did he stay in a cheapo hotel in Taipei like me?
Did you ask him to swear that he really owns four properties in Melbourne ?


Did you ask him to swear that he really owns four properties in Melbourne ?
The rule is such that if I disbelieve him I have to sweat.

The hotel I stayed is the old-school hotel built during Japanese occupation period.

The topic turned to airbnb and he wanted to know if it was safe to rent out to strangers. He said: "My house is very expensive."